Super sick chick HELP



Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
I found one of my chicks lying on her side with her head bent back. She is still alive and peeping softly . I brought her inside and I’m giving sugar water. HELP
Electrolytes.. even Gatorade..
how big is your brooder? How many chicks are in there? Can they get away from the heat? What type of bedding are you using?
A large plastic tub from tsc. 18 chicks. Yes they can it’s a heat plate. Flake pine shavings
What kind of feed? If anything other than chick feed do they have grit? Sorry lots of questions but if we figure out what is causing the issue the easier to help.

For now do what your doing. Yes drop liquids on the tip of beak. It should swallow it. That's safer than trying to put it directly into Its mouth.
What kind of feed? If anything other than chick feed do they have grit? Sorry lots of questions but if we figure out what is causing the issue the easier to help.

For now do what your doing. Yes drop liquids on the tip of beak. It should swallow it. That's safer than trying to put it directly into Its mouth.
Starter/grower 20% dumor. No they don’t have grit yet.

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