Super teeny tiney bantam? Rooster?

Thank you! I believe that is what he is. Know I know what to call him

Unfortunately this morning we lost his little girlfriend. I am pretty sure she choked on something and wasn't able to cough it up.
(not sure how common that is, and yes I did everything I thought I could).

Thanks again peeps!
OMG my Silver Duckwing OEG bantam is that small too....I just love him so much.....I don't have standard chickens to compare mine too, but he fits in the palm of my is his pic, his name is Arrow

All I have is Bantams...I just love them, they are so tiny and cute !!

You can see how small he is compared to the blade of grass on the ground (which is not that tall at all)

He is adorable:drool
I want to get my little man a couple of girlfriends since his only one passed away this morning. I got him at a swap meet. I'll have to find that same guy and get some girls from him.
I love your pics. My guy won't sit for very
I have one just like that! I THOUGHT it was a Silver Duckwing OEG Bantam! Yes, they are TINY! How big do they get? Mine is also a roo (of course!) His name is Bam-Bam!!
OMG I think I have that dudes brother! Got mine 3/11 and he started crowing over Memorial Weekend. (Found 3 roos in the hen house that weekend) Two of mine look like him, but I have to admit I believe he is smaller. TOO CUTE! (But better not let him hear us call him that, those little ones think they are giants!)
OMG its sooo cute and tiny it looks like a figurine

I would love to see a pic next to a coke can or something

If i were this chickens owner I would be contacting Guinness world records because there i no current world record for
smallest chicken
im serious!
Your little man deserves celebrity status!!!

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