Supervisors in the coop...


10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Somewhere in Tornado Alley......
I went out to the coop to remove some of the bedding and just do some general cleaning to the coop and run and wouldn't you know it....I wasn't out there 5 minutes and had a bunch of supervisors.

Henny Penny and Pretty Girl checking out what I've done.

Momma checking the floor..I guess it passed her inspection..

Mini Doodle supervising...
Nosy decided to join in on the inspection/supervising..

Momma (background) and Nosy apparently do not like something I me the stink eye...

Henny Penny inspecting the straw..

The girls decided to snub me....

Henny Penny checking out some of the loose straw to see if it fits her specifications...

It apparently passed inspection....She started scratching in the wheelbarrow..

and she invited Pretty Girl to join in.. I put the straw that's in the pic down in the run and they had a blast scratching in it...
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