supplement and treats for ducks!


Also seen this post in the comments and I was just thinking about ways to help duckie when this summer heat comes in
Very good to point out these resources especially for new duck people! If we can circulate some of the best and basic information on duckling and duck care, we will have happier healthier ducks and people.
Very good to point out these resources especially for new duck people!  If we can circulate some of the best and basic information on duckling and duck care, we will have happier healthier ducks and people.
I agree and there are so many great resources out there. Just the other day I was reading an article and at one point they were speaking about duck diapers harness things, I had thought about this but was definitely going to wait till duckie was full grown to make sure I'd have the right size, but the people were explaining that they can cause infections for the duck (which makes sense) of coarse there are exceptions maybe if you constantly change it and don't leave it on for long periods of time but it made me reconsider very quickly and that is the first place I had seen information like that all other reviews were so positive
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Today we gathered some dandelion leaves from the yard and duckie absolutely loved them she ate them out of our hand came when we called well when she saw we had leaf pieces and put some in her water dish. She loved fetching for them

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