Supplement Recommendations

Peaches Lee

14 Years
Sep 19, 2010
What supplements do you feed your flock? And what are your reasons? I've started researching and have come across Brewer's Yeast and sea kelp. What does the Brewer's Yeast accomplish? And if garlic is added is this safe? Thanks for any input!
I use Gro2Max probiotic powder in dechlorinated water occasionally. I use an aquarium de-chlorinator since the chlorine can kill the beneficial bacteria.
Nutri-Drench poultry vitamin/mineral/amino acid supplementation about once or twice a week according to dosage instructions on the bottle as Connie said.
When I ferment feed, I add a bit of the Gro2Max or kefir with active live cultures and a little seaweed for the micronutrients. I dechlorinate the water for that too.
I have used some crushed garlic in the water when I go to the Asian market or farmer's market where I can get it really cheaply.
I occasionally use an herbal wormer in the fermented feed that I get from Molly's Herbals.
I didn't do this for years but in the last year I started putting some raw ACV in the water (1 Tbsp per gal.). Beneficial bacteria prefer an acidic environment while most pathogenic bacteria prefer an alkaline environment. An acidifier also helps utilization of calcium.
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Garlic is an ingredient in some herbal wormers. I don't use it often but I sometimes buy large quantities of pealed garlic cloves because they're so cheap. So I crush 4 or 5 and drop them into the water founts.
:goodpost: As usual!! I do the same. I don't see any reason for supplements unless a bird is stressed or recovering from illness or injury, and even then I use supplements ONLY until they are better. If they're healthy, then that means all their systems are in balance. Add some of this, or a little of that, and you can throw that balance off.
I agree about fresh feed being all they really need. I just use those nutritional supplements for a few weeks prior to and during collecting eggs for hatching.

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