

9 Years
Nov 2, 2010
Just got my first pullets, barred rock and golden wyandote, and was wondering if I need to add any supplements to their feed/water?
At six weeks old I wouldn't be giving them any cracked corn as it's not doing them any good. Some finely chopped green feed once a day (any of the edible greens will do), but only about as much as they'll clean up in fifteen minutes.

If you've got them on shavings or some other type of bedding that can get matted down then about every other day you might sprinkle something like rolled oats over it to encourage them to keep it scratched up and fluffy in between cleanings. At six weeks they are still chicks and don't need a lot of treats or anything else.
I agree, the chick starter/grower should have all the nutrients they need. Interact with them, if you can, and feed them from your hand. Makes them more friendly!


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