Supposed to be pullets, but...


7 Years
Nov 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Hi! Okay, I bought some chicks and some I bought as pullets, but I know its not 100% so there's always that chance. I've got 4 that are in question and if anyone could tell either way it would be great! They're just past 5 weeks old now and this past week a couple of them are getting obvious wattles and some combs have gotten pink.
Here's the first, a GLW, it has the pinker comb than the other GLW who doesn't have any pink. It also seems to have more gold than the other. :



Here's the second, a SLW, the second pullet of this type has a single comb but its still yellow and barely any wattles showing yet.:



And the third is an EE. Theres 2 of these that ended up almost twins. This first pic I'm not sure of just because it's comb is pink and none of the obvious pullets have any pink in theirs.


And finally, number 4, the other EE, this ones comb isn't as pink as the other, but I notice this one's coloring is a bit splotchier, with the reddish spots coming in on the wings whereas the one before seemed more uniform in color.



That's them! Any guesses? Any for sures? I actually want another roo so it would be great if some WERE mixups! :) Thanks everyone!
Looks to me like your Wyandottes are pullets. At 5+ weeks the combs really redden up and get pronounced on cockerels.

I'm clueless on EE's.....
Everyone looks female to me

I've never seen an EE that color turn out to be a rooster. Not saying it's not possible, but I've looked at literally thousands of pics of EE chicks over the years and I've just never run across one. If anyone has one, I'd love to see pics.
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The Easter Egger is a pullet, her comb only has 1 row, and I'm not seeing a roosterish qualities on her.

I've heard of sexing them by the rows on their combs but didn't know how reliable that was. So you think the last 3 pics are the pullet then? Shes got just the one ridge. The chick in the first 2 pics has 3 ridges so does that mean probably a roo?
Everyone looks female to me :)

I've never seen an EE that color turn out to be a rooster. Not saying it's not possible, but I've looked at literally thousands of pics of EE chicks over the years and I've just never run across one. If anyone has one, I'd love to see pics.

Pullets it is then! I'll have to keep searching for some new roos! Thanks for the help! :)
I've heard of sexing them by the rows on their combs but didn't know how reliable that was. So you think the last 3 pics are the pullet then? Shes got just the one ridge. The chick in the first 2 pics has 3 ridges so does that mean probably a roo?

It's not 100 percent accurate but works most of the time. All the EEs are pullets, their combs aren't very big, wide, or red, plus they don't have shoulder patches.
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It's not 100 percent accurate but works most of the time. All the EEs are pullets, their combs aren't very big, wide, or red, plus they don't have shoulder patches.

Bummer! Lol, that's alright though, gives me an excuse to shop for more chickens! Thanks!

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