Supposed to be red sussex. Do they look like it to you?

Guess that's what we get for buying off ebay. They're still nice chicks, healthy and growing fast so guess it'll be okay. But you really like to get what you pay for, ya know!? Now if they're just not all roos.

Any chance your older pair will give you any??
Yours look like they are Sussex. Little lighter in the chest. I bet you have some.


I have these two that are 2 weeks old. their from my breeding pair, I have pics of them on my page.
lildinkem, The chicks are not that dark.I have some that hatched yesterday I will get a picture.

They dont even have the chimpmunk stripes like a Red Sussex.

Im4dabirds I have RIR chicks and that 3rd and 4th picture looks just like my RIR chicks.I say new Hampshire reds.I have one Hampshire red that looks like a Red Sussex she even has white legs.
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I'm thinking new hampshire red too after looking at pictures of them. None of mine had that eye line and all have yellow legs and brown tipped beaks.
I have RIR 2 week old RIR chicks too. And from the same RIR cockerel. I got one that looks like oberhaslikid's chicks and one that is near Black. Same cockerel, prolly different RIR pullets. Two totally different looking chicks



I guess we have to wait and see what comes out of them. I KNOW mine are 100% RIR chicks from my birds and hatched out of my incubator. I write in pencil the date and breed on the egg. I hatched out 3 chicks and 2 were this black coloring and the one buff. I really am curious what turns out from Im4dabirds chicks. I would not be surprised that they are in fact Speckled Sussex. MAYBE with a cross of RIR in them though. I heard some unscrupulous breeders will do that, and ruin the leg coloring by doing so. Good luck with them.

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