Surpise chicky!!


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
Some might remember me...I've been off radar since I went back to work and didn't get new chicks this spring (came real close to some lav americaunas of Cynthia's!). Anyhows... we had a silkie and a blue true americauna banty go broody. We only have one roo in each coop and just figured we'd let the lady's set and see what comes of it. After candling and saw a few possibilities we moved both to a safer spot. The silkie went off her eggs and they (all banty eggs) went cold. The Americauna was setting on full size eggs (dad was the little black silkie I saved for the young BYC man if ya'll remember?).

Anyway... we decided not to throw them out and just added the banty cold eggs to the Blue's. Well today I heard peeping and looked everywhere in their little sunroom. To my surprise there was a teeny beak poking out of one of the once ice cold banty eggs!

My daughter and I ran out and watched progress every 20 minutes until baby got her head out and the mom was NOT happy with anything moving under her! I called Cynthia and she agreed getting baby out quick was best.

So here she is. She is now all fluffed out and we're trying to tell who her mom is/was (I'm mom now :) lol) ... the egg was tinted and possibilities are banty EE, quail antwerp, silkie (no feathered legs) and one banty that may be some game type). Dad is definately our banty EE lone ranger (we had 2 twins but the fox just recently got one). The legs just might be coming in a little more green so I'm hoping true EE banty (and

So now little Dora (short for Adorable is) is in a brooder on my desk with a Canadian goose beenie baby for company. No pips on the other eggs but sure hoping for at least one or I'll be looking for a tiny companion. (anyone? breed does not matter but size does and as close to day old as possible), I live outside Park City but husband works in SL.

So here's some pics! I've never had a baby this new - exciting!

Oh My Gosh, thank you and where in the heck is this thread?!! I had my original bookmarked but it's not showing up (to me) in the Utah thread...

and I'm totally serious if someone has a teeny new chick for sale that I can buy for a friend for her. So far it doesn't look like the other eggs are doing anything (but the moms still on them). Tomorrow we will candle and maybe try to to "help" any of the banty eggs (same timeframe as hers). I couldn't hear any peeping from anything tonight and hope that tomorrow she doesn't spend another night alone. :(

She's so friggin cute...she'as zonked next to the beanie baby goose right now... Thank heavens for nature, as I'm not prepared and have no chick feed so have some warm oatmeal for her (as she seems hungry and doesn't hv a big yolk belly), Monday I'll need to buy 50# of chick feed for one 5 oz (?) chick lol.
Love it!
That has got to be one of the cutest chicks I've ever seen! Congrats!

Thank you all! We bought her a friend and then had one more chick hatch. My little trio are best buddies and doing well. But Dora is still such a peanut compared to the others!

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