Surprise! You're chicks have shipped.

I forgot to add that Scflock's idea to keep them until they are a bit older, then keep the ones you really like and sell the surplus as started chicks for $10-12 a piece.  There are a lot of people who don't want to brood them and want to buy feathered out started pullets ready for the coop.

I also wanted to say, that getting a true bully chicken is few and far in between.  I have had 2 serious bullies who earned their way to the stew pot.  This is when i had 50 hens, only 2 were bullies!

This I might do. Whatever the buyers plans are for them should be kept to themselves. Lie to me, don't care. Just tell me you'll love them until the very end :p
Your husband........stew pot....:lau   Does he really think he can get through mama bear to get at them??????:smack

None of mine are picking on each other, despite the size difference.  In fact, the oldest girls are heavy breeds, and 3 times larger than the smallest and youngest.  Everyone is getting along fine.  In the chicken world, it's not size that counts in the pecking order, it's tenacity.  Some of the smallest hens, can be the meanest.  Kind of like in people, you  will find  big gentle giant people being ordered around my fierce bossy 4 foot 10 women.....:lau  
kinda like me and AmyLynn... I have to keep Summer even though i have 9 wellies in the bator? Plus the other one that came with this order. Oh my gosh. This is not going to be good for my neighbors. Or my husband.
YES! Cause you know half of them in the 'bator will be roos! CHicken math rules!
Hey! You guys and gals are suppose to be flogging me not fueling it!
Lol's like asking the bartender to help you stop drinking........................
Ain't gonna happen!'s like asking the bartender to help you stop drinking........................:lau :lau   Ain't gonna happen!

Well, these can only go down hill from here on out.

About those incubating eggs.... I'm on day 7 and even though I have no clue what I'm looking at, I was candling earlier. And you know when you're trying extra hard to be extra careful, IT happens... I dropped one of the eggs...wahh
The crack was pretty deep and i could see that wax wasn't going to save it so I granted my son's wish. To OPEN IT.
They were so awed by it. A tiny little nugget. Heart beating. Wing moving. I felt horrible but relieved at the same time. A chick was growing, which means I'm doing something right.

I got this cool shot of little nuggets brain.
RIP little fella

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