Hello! New member here needing some advice. Is it possible to attempt a chick surrogacy twice? First attempt didn't go well last night. (My Orpington hen has previously only hatched one egg that produced a yellow chick, which was sadly eaten by a snake 5 days later.) She took to the two Orp chicks (yellow) I put under her but kept pecking the two Barred Rock (black) chicks. At around midnight, I took all chicks out because she had "rediscovered" the Barred Rocks and was pecking them again after sitting on them for a while. I don't know whether to just raise them inside and break her brooding or attempt one more time tonight in full dark with no flashlight. Or will the Barred Rocks be killed by morning? I know it's a jumbled question but I'm hoping to get some guidance today. Thank you in advance!