<Survival of the Fittest> A Woods RP

Nomad hesitated but a moment, before he rested his chin gently upon the back of her neck. A wolf's form of a hug. "Thank you, for your kindness and understanding. " He said with sadness.
Mayan looked at him , and returned his hug, then licked the blood from her muzzle and jaws (A lot happened while I was asleep :p haha )
(Honestly, I think your right, it doesn't matter. But really I like facts, it kind of "upsets" me when something is unrealistic, but yeah it's a role play. Sorry I overreacted.)
( :highfive: I over looked a fifteen pound fox taking down a deer. It's for fun. Lol! But it is a full moon, so emotions are running high.)

(I agree, it's only a RP not real life. It's ment to just be fun, not highly accurate. As long as the foxes aren't neon yellow, I don't really care what colour they are.)
(Exactly. FYI, the reason foxes can take down deer is that in this RP, all animals are about the same size, at least the foxes, wolves, Bobcats.
(Honestly, I think your right, it doesn't matter. But really I like facts, it kind of "upsets" me when something is unrealistic, but yeah it's a role play. Sorry I overreacted.)
(I like facts too, don't get me wrong. But that would mean no black or white foxes, no white bears, and no foxes taking down seers or fighting wolves. It's just for fun. And it's fine.)

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