<Survival of the Fittest> A Woods RP

(You're fine. I wasn't being rude. I just had a visual image, that how my mind works. :hugs We okay? )

"Did you sleep well? " He said as he stepped down off the rock, heading over to the deer for breakfast.
(Lol, I know what you mean. Yeah, we're good!) Mayan answered "Yes, I did. You?" she said as she followed him to the deer
(Lol, I know what you mean. Yeah, we're good!) Mayan answered "Yes, I did. You?" she said as she followed him to the deer

( Cool! :highfive: )
"It was alright, I suppose. I'll sleep better once we get that den dug out. It shouldn't be to hard, that dirt has just the right amount or moisture for digging. It's those tree roots, that could be a problem. But they'll also support the earth above our heads more security, so there's a benefit there. " Nomad replied as he hunched down to feast on their deer. They'd need this fuel for the work ahead.
Luna sensed that Claw had gone. She woke up the Cubs with a sharp bark and led them out of the cave. She hid them about a mile away from the den, rubbing them in mud to conceal their sent.

She then headed towards the pair of wolves that she had smelt the night before. She wanted to know if they were friends or foe.
Kebechet gently used her mouth to grab Thunder by the back of her neck, where there was a lot of extra skin so it was the safest and most comfortable way to hold her. She looked around and started trotting back to her thicket.
(Just say you grab her by the scruff, to save time)
Luna sensed that Claw had gone. She woke up the Cubs with a sharp bark and led them out of the cave. She hid them about a mile away from the den, rubbing them in mud to conceal their sent.

She then headed towards the pair of wolves that she had smelt the night before. She wanted to know if they were friends or foe.
Lilac was determined to find the pups, she couldn't smell them so she had too look hard. She saw squirming and ran over. It was just a squirrel, she kept looking. Then saw a tiny pink mouth and figured a pup must be yawning. She crawled through the brush until she came to them "Hi!" she squeaked and sniffed the pups.
( Cool! :highfive: )
"It was alright, I suppose. I'll sleep better once we get that den dug out. It shouldn't be to hard, that dirt has just the right amount or moisture for digging. It's those tree roots, that could be a problem. But they'll also support the earth above our heads more security, so there's a benefit there. " Nomad replied as he hunched down to feast on their deer. They'd need this fuel for the work ahead.
Mayan agreed "Yes. We'll need to keep it secure from the alpha fox, though" she said
​Lilac was determined to find the pups, she couldn't smell them so she had too look hard. She saw squirming and ran over. It was just a squirrel, she kept looking. Then saw a tiny pink mouth and figured a pup must be yawning. She crawled through the brush until she came to them "Hi!" she squeaked and sniffed the pups.
Claw walked up behind her and grinned "What are you doing here, Lilac?"

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