Suspected Roo just laid an egg....

I'm raising our first 4 chickens and already had one pullet turn into a roo. There was another I was almost certain was a roo because of how many tall tail feathers she has but now that I see her next to the roo I'm almost certain she is a girl. She also has more of a comb than the other two but it's still nothing compared to the boy. He's also much larger now, runs around in a different way and (this one is going to sound funny!) she has a much wider, lower bottom on her! lol

It gets easier to tell the differences everyday so I guess it's just like you say - we'll know sooner or later!

Here are the two I'm talking about:

they'reHISchickens :

First with the gold in her, is a hen. Is she an EE?

She's a mix of some sort. Although I got her and one of my other hens, Sasha, from the same mixed batch at a chicken swap and that hen looks a little like an EE (even has some green on her legs). Sasha:

Congratulations on Oprah's gender discovery! I've got to ask: how did you come to name her Oprah? I have a hen named Oprah too. She's a one year old Buff Orpington.

Well, I have two black australorps. I wanted to name them after two of my favorite strong women. I named them based on their personality. Whoopi is a very sweet, kooky chicken, and Oprah is the more serious, keep to herself type, but when she has something to say, lookout! I almost named her Maya. Almost all of my chickens have a name that means something very special to me. A couple of them were named by my children (Dumpling, Ruby and Rose). I have one Buff Orpington who follows me around everywhere I go and keeps up a constant chatter. I was telling my Dad about her one night on the phone and he strongly insisted that I name her after my Mom who passed away last year. Initially, I really didn't like the idea, but it grew on me after a while, mainly because I always called her Mom and not Helen. So, I now have one named after my Mom and her sister (they are running buddies of course).

Post some pics so we can see what she looks like and figure out why she was pegged as a roo. Always good to learn from our mistakes!

I will do that as soon as my batteries are charged. When I get them up, take a nice hard look at the difference in their faces/legs. Combine that with some of the behaviors that I have been seeing, and it is easy to see why I was waiting for her to crow! She was always sleeping on the outside of the coop, finding treats for the other girls, challenged my yorkie mix everytime she approaches the other pullets, has never been one to like be handled, always sounds like a very loud velociraptor. We argued whether she was a rooster almost every day. Her comb and wattles have always been larger than everyone else's and she has assumed the roll of flock caretaker. The only thing that was missing was the tail, it was never right for a roo. Being my first flock, I wasn't sure what I was looking at until she gave me a definite clue!!!​
Can't wait to see pictures! We're also questioning if we have a roo or hen as well. I posted pictures on another thread. Isn't it so fun? hehe...

This is Oprah. Isn't she beautiful!!
I should have posted her pic on here and asked my buddies at BYC to tell me what she was, but was kinda enjoying the not-knowing (like when I was pregnant with my first two kids). It was definitely a fun wait and see.

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