Suspecting Merck’s in my Dixie Chick


6 Years
Feb 26, 2013
I have a 3 year old Golden Comet hen that is losing her ability to walk and stabilize herself. I have had her isolated for two weeks now with no improvement. Have been using cider vinegar yogurt chicken mash and pedialyte. Keeping her well hydrated. Using eye dropper when necessary. Bathing her daily in epsom salt warm water bath. Can she win? How long before I need to face an option it breaks my heart to choose?
I have a 3 year old Golden Comet hen that is losing her ability to walk and stabilize herself. I have had her isolated for two weeks now with no improvement. Have been using cider vinegar yogurt chicken mash and pedialyte. Keeping her well hydrated. Using eye dropper when necessary. Bathing her daily in epsom salt warm water bath. Can she win? How long before I need to face an option it breaks my heart to choose?
I'm sorry to hear about your hen.
If you have photos or a video of her that may be helpful (upload video to youtube, then provide us a link)

When was the last time she laid an egg?
What does the poop look like?
It's hard to know if her condition is related to Marek's, if she is having some type of reproductive problem or if there is something else going on.
Does she have any bloat/swelling or fluid in the abdomen, does her crop empty overnight? Any signs of lice/mites?

If she is in a state of decline and you feel that she is not making improvements, then it may be time to put her out of her misery. Sending the body to your state lab for testing will give you answers. Alternatively, you could perform an informal exam yourself, looking at the internal organs, etc. and post photos, we may be able to help you with what you see.

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