Swan egg hatching advice

Thank you for the advice about the food, I always think more protein the better
I want to clarify what I said about the feeding the goslings too much protein. Why the goslings got messed up. At the time of hatching the goslings which was 30 or more years ago I was raising foxes and I had a lot of commercial fox food around. So, when the goslings hatched, I didn't know to what to feed them. I just gave them fox pellets without giving it a second thought. That's a big fat no. The protein content in the fox pellets is very high Say 30% (I'm using Bill jacks dog food as tis example) as opposed to a commercial unmedicated crumble for chickens that has say 16% to 20% I wouldn't recommend feed your baby swans dog food cat food fox food. These foods are made those animals not swans. I feed my adult swans Romane lettuce, carrots shredded, spinach cabbage apples cut so they can eat them. I do give crumbles also. I do offer oyster shell and grit just dumped on to the ground, but they feed naturally out of the pond, on duck weed water meal. They can eat up to 8 lbs. of pond weeds a day I have read. I am not a food analyzer and try to keep things simple as possible. My swans have been doing well for the last 10 years on what they eat in the pond and what veggie food I give them. Also, I wanted to add that there are laws concerning captive swans you may want to check out the laws in your state as well as federal laws. I hope things makes things clearer.

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