SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 2 black Swedish ducks but one is crested when I first got it there was no crest but after it got its feathers I noticed a small puff of feathers and is this really lethal Becuase I have 6 ducks total 2 black Swedish ducks 2 welsh harlequin ducks and 2 younger pekins I bought all the duck except the pekins from rual king so is this gene lethal also could this devolped as a result if it was dropped as a baby
How so
how do I stop I to why is it so lethal Becuase they are with different ducks
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Have you looked up the crested gene yet? That will probably answer all your questions.

From faith valley waterfowl

Crested Call Genetics
Faith Valley Waterfowl

Crested Ducks Genetics
By Patty Pickard

The Crested genotype, Cr’/cr, is a very interesting and fun gene to work with.
You must understand that it is a lethal gene though, so you will have a
percentage of ducklings that will develop all the way up to hatching day and
then die in the shell. This gene is called the “lethal gene” because the crest is
formed through a hole in the top of the duckling’s skull.

Below are two photos of a crested call duckling. The first photo shows the
duckling as it is still drying off in the hatcher tray; you are clearly able to see the
duckling’s large crest-hole. The second photo shows the same call duckling
one day later; you can see how the crest fluffed up and completely covered the
bald, swollen area on the skull of the duckling.

( so that's what they say but that farm breeds for that gene which I find cruel since most of their ducklings end up dieing )

So the gene isn't a good thing but it can be bred out after many generations and it takes a lot of time . And there will always probably be a chance that in some very far future line that a duckling does have the crest then you'd have to start the process of trying to breed it out over again .
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Just don't breed crested ducks, you will get rid of the gene (for the most part)
If the Ducks don't have a crest, they don't carry the gene itself. But it could crop up if breeding closely (incest)
no matter what I will not break the group up and it but why did it form after it's feathers came in ,it got its feathers and there was a puff of down on its head but how do I know that it's litter mate won't have the resessive gene and if it has eggs I will not put it in a encubator I will just let them sit on it if it wants and if I eat the egg is it bad for my health if it's a girl

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