SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

water tested called a week later
autopsy on those eggs shrink wrap badly membrane stuck to an eye. What appeared to me to be mold. 6 had ducks in them under developed in them 1 real bad. 5 almost there. One was like I first incubated them. A few eggs had blood and vains no duck. Yolk green and black goo. I praying the ones outside with ducks our good. They will not leave both nests.
I've started noticing that some of our 7 week old sweedish ducks are getting purple blue and green feathering and 3 of them don't even have the white bible there solid black. My one that has the white also is getting the same feathering is this something normal for a sweedish to get or do you think maybe I have a different type of duck
I've started noticing that some of our 7 week old sweedish ducks are getting purple blue and green feathering and 3 of them don't even have the white bible there solid black. My one that has the white also is getting the same feathering is this something normal for a sweedish to get or do you think maybe I have a different type of duck
sounds like you might have some Cayuga in the bunch. Do you have pics?

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