SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do I need to know before I get some swidish

If you can get them sexed it's better. I would say to just have girls. Have one boy and Adleast 3 girls or just boys. Blue swedish are the standard color but they also come in black and the less common splash. Make sure you have lots of room for them during the day and a safe place to sleep an night. If you have neighbors who complain about noise I would suggest all boys. They are very quiet compared to the really loud girls. They lay really well and as long as you get them young enough they are very friendly. :)

Oh look at those babies!! So precious. We just hatched out 8 ancona ducklings. :)
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These are my swedes...Simon & Garfunkel. Will they ever fly? Do I need to be concerned that they will fly out of my yard? I really do not want to clip their wings. They run free in my yard.
Thank you. That is what I thought but I wanted to confirm. They had a few mallards in the coop with the, I'm thinking they will fly off soon but my happy swedes will stay.

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