SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sweedish ducks lost their mallards today. They were SO sad! The cat, on the other hand, thought 2 more ducks needed released.
Little Ester, the Duck RIP 7-17-16
She was "just a little Duck", so why am I so heart broken? Is it because this "just a little Duck" could melt your heart with a duckie kiss when you "hugged a duck"? Is it because she never expected anything but gave everything in return? Is it because this dumb duck just made you feel better because she only knew how to love you and make you happy to just watch her?
Yeah, it's all of those things and so much more, and SO much more.
She was "just a little Duck", but she was your friend and she never let you forget she loved you. I miss you "little Duck", and your Sisters do too. And while few will ever read this, and that's OK, I believe that you Little Duck now can, and if not some very good souls around you now can let you know what is said here.
I am so sorry that your last hours on this earth were filled with such terror and dread. I can't change that, but I hope you felt my love the night before you passed when I touched your little bill and got the last duckie kiss I will ever get from you for awhile.

Rest In Peace my "Just a little Duck", I Love You.
Little Ester, the Duck RIP 7-17-16
She was "just a little Duck", so why am I so heart broken? Is it because this "just a little Duck" could melt your heart with a duckie kiss when you "hugged a duck"? Is it because she never expected anything but gave everything in return? Is it because this dumb duck just made you feel better because she only knew how to love you and make you happy to just watch her?
Yeah, it's all of those things and so much more, and SO much more.
She was "just a little Duck", but she was your friend and she never let you forget she loved you. I miss you "little Duck", and your Sisters do too. And while few will ever read this, and that's OK, I believe that you Little Duck now can, and if not some very good souls around you now can let you know what is said here.
I am so sorry that your last hours on this earth were filled with such terror and dread. I can't change that, but I hope you felt my love the night before you passed when I touched your little bill and got the last duckie kiss I will ever get from you for awhile.

Rest In Peace my "Just a little Duck", I Love You.
So sorry!
Little Ester, the Duck RIP 7-17-16
She was "just a little Duck", so why am I so heart broken? Is it because this "just a little Duck" could melt your heart with a duckie kiss when you "hugged a duck"? Is it because she never expected anything but gave everything in return? Is it because this dumb duck just made you feel better because she only knew how to love you and make you happy to just watch her? Yeah, it's all of those things and so much more, and SO much more.
She was "just a little Duck", but she was your friend and she never let you forget she loved you. I miss you "little Duck", and your Sisters do too. And while few will ever read this, and that's OK, I believe that you Little Duck now can, and if not some very good souls around you now can let you know what is said here. I am so sorry that your last hours on this earth were filled with such terror and dread. I can't change that, but I hope you felt my love the night before you passed when I touched your little bill and got the last duckie kiss I will ever get from you for awhile.
Rest In Peace my "Just a little Duck", I Love You.
:hit So sorry! Mandy
Oh how sad. So sorry you lost her.
Little Ester, the Duck RIP 7-17-16
She was "just a little Duck", so why am I so heart broken? Is it because this "just a little Duck" could melt your heart with a duckie kiss when you "hugged a duck"? Is it because she never expected anything but gave everything in return? Is it because this dumb duck just made you feel better because she only knew how to love you and make you happy to just watch her? Yeah, it's all of those things and so much more, and SO much more.
She was "just a little Duck", but she was your friend and she never let you forget she loved you. I miss you "little Duck", and your Sisters do too. And while few will ever read this, and that's OK, I believe that you Little Duck now can, and if not some very good souls around you now can let you know what is said here. I am so sorry that your last hours on this earth were filled with such terror and dread. I can't change that, but I hope you felt my love the night before you passed when I touched your little bill and got the last duckie kiss I will ever get from you for awhile.
Rest In Peace my "Just a little Duck", I Love You.
:hit :hugs Brought a tear to my eye too! I'm so, so sorry for your loss
My 4 month old Swedish ducks have suddenly lost their appetite. They'll eat a treat, night crawler, cheerio, watermelon , but not as much as they used to. They're both dropping more feathers than before but not sure I'd call it a molt. They seem happy, follow their daily routine ( 5:30 am to 7:00am play in sprinklers and make mud holes in lawn...7:00 to 8:00 play in and out of pond and sample whatever salad mom left them. Then stay mostly in pond until 6:00 when they visit neighbor kid through fence and eat some duck food. Then they forage around yard and eat any treat thrown to them until 10:30 pm until they bed down until 5:30am.

It is the quantity of food that has decreased. They no longer beg for mor treats. A watermelon bowl lasts a couple days. Is this normal?
A couple of thoughts - has it been warmer? Also at 4 months, they have done well more than half their growing into adults. They are still developing their internal organs and nervous system a bit. But most of the muscle, bone, skin and feathers are built, now.

My ducks had a molt at around 10 weeks - but they are Runners, a smaller breed, and generally the smaller birds mature faster.

You could, to be safe, get a fecal sample to the vet and have them check for parasites.

Aside from that, please keep a close watch for anything unusual, I would put vitamins and probiotics in their night water once a week for a month to be cautious.
My 4 month old Swedish ducks have suddenly lost their appetite. They'll eat a treat, night crawler, cheerio, watermelon , but not as much as they used to. They're both dropping more feathers than before but not sure I'd call it a molt. They seem happy, follow their daily routine ( 5:30 am to 7:00am play in sprinklers and make mud holes in lawn...7:00 to 8:00 play in and out of pond and sample whatever salad mom left them. Then stay mostly in pond until 6:00 when they visit neighbor kid through fence and eat some duck food. Then they forage around yard and eat any treat thrown to them until 10:30 pm until they bed down until 5:30am.

It is the quantity of food that has decreased. They no longer beg for mor treats. A watermelon bowl lasts a couple days. Is this normal?

Could it be because their free ranging? I know with my chickens once I stopped penning them they started finding more of their own food and eat way less of the Comercial food. Ducks are great foragers and can find alot of grub on their own. :)
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