SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Drake looks almost assuredly black to me. The Duck is a Splash.

By the Way, Splash and Lavender are different colors. Lavender is Splash with Buff Dilution

Can't wait to see some more pics of your new girl. Glad she arrived safely!! It's good to have some size added to your breeding program. Swedish shud be fairly big.
In terms of the way Swedish are viewed in Australia, any brown in the feathers (anywhere) is seen as a serious fault. Introducing a black bird won't remove it. I expect it's caused by recessive brown present in the birds' makeup. Just a theory. At any rate, it's something to steer away from in breeding.
Blue ducks do get a kind of dirty brown tinge over the months, especially over summer, and this is due to the sun. It's not the same as brown/rust in the feathers, which actually appears as brown feathers or brown flecks in the feathers. The dirty tinge to the feathers that's caused by sun exposure will disappear when the bird moults and turns a nice blue again. The rust that is a fault will not disappear after moulting.
It may be a fault but it's very genetically valuable
I agree that Swedish should be hefty. They are a traditional meat breed.
Rust hens have brown bars across there breasts and stomachs. The entire underwing is gray-brown, as well as the wingbar. The genetic color 'Rust' is actually not so much of a patch-work color as the fault 'Rust'. Too bad I don't have it anymore.

And about fading, the interesting part about the drake I was going to breed was, 6 months of sunshine didn't fade his nice, dark blue plumage one bit. And it is nice and dark. His cousin has sun-bleached brown patches in his plumage.

It may be a fault but it's very genetically valuable
I agree that Swedish should be hefty. They are a traditional meat breed.
Rust hens have brown bars across there breasts and stomachs. The entire underwing is gray-brown, as well as the wingbar. The genetic color 'Rust' is actually not so much of a patch-work color as the fault 'Rust'. Too bad I don't have it anymore.

And about fading, the interesting part about the drake I was going to breed was, 6 months of sunshine didn't fade his nice, dark blue plumage one bit. And it is nice and dark. His cousin has sun-bleached brown patches in his plumage.


Yes, I understand that they are considered different in the US :) Was just saying that in the Australian Standards any brown is considered a fault. But I think it's good to pursue new varieties and to take advantage of new genes that pop up :)

That is really interesting about your drake not fading!
Now, is that a fault for showing, or is it dictated that basically if Swedes have brown feathers they are not considered swedes? It's not like that up here in Canada. We have some of the world's last populations of Chocolate Swedes. Very rare, and still very authentic Swedish. I take it that you aussies don't have any Chocolate swedes?
Perhaps she's Lilac. Now, since there is alot of termonology differences between us, up here Lilac is Buff (md/md, d/-, bu/-, Bl/bl+,) with Black (E/E, md/md, d/-, bu/-, Bl/bl) So, she might be a Orpi/Swede Sexlink, which would result in the females being Lilac.

Now, is that a fault for showing, or is it dictated that basically if Swedes have brown feathers they are not considered swedes? It's not like that up here in Canada. We have some of the world's last populations of Chocolate Swedes. Very rare, and still very authentic Swedish. I take it that you aussies don't have any Chocolate swedes?

Perhaps she's Lilac. Now, since there is alot of termonology differences between us, up here Lilac is Buff (md/md, d/-, bu/-, Bl/bl+,) with Black (E/E, md/md, d/-, bu/-, Bl/bl) So, she might be a Orpi/Swede Sexlink, which would result in the females being Lilac.


You don't see Lilac around much so I am not very familiar with how it appears :) Here, Lilac is E/E, Bl/bl, d/d (or d/- in females). So, yes, we use different names for different things, which isn't all that helpful :)
Yes... it is not helpful..... :\ :p
Up here most people think that all self Blacks carry Dusky (which we think is recessive; that is our theoretic explanation of the color Iron (which is any Self-Black/non-Dusky cross))

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