Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Ya, I am beginning to think "friendly rooster" is an urban legend. I have roosters that I can live with, but none that I would call friendly. Even my bantam cochin rooster, who is the best of bunch, would jump on me if I gave him the opportunity and he is a very good rooster with the hens and the chicks.

I am sorry you guys are having bad experiences! I went through a spell when it seemed like every rooster challenged me. All those roosters left the premises quickly. I have a 1 1/2 year old SFH (Ragnar) who is an exceptional guy. He is in charge of the grow out pens and makes rounds with me in the morning and evening. All the grow outs free range under his watch and there are about 150 of them. He allows no fighting and no abuse of the girls. He punishes offenders quickly and is not over the top with it.
The rooster in the back is 2 1/2 year old Australorp (Sweetie). He is in charge of the layers. He follows my husband around like a puppy begging for treats. He takes the treat and then gives it to one of his girls. Both of these dominant roosters do not tolerate bad behavior from the younger ones.
I had one mean SFH rooster out of all of the ones I have had. He went to the roo guy, which means he went into the soup. He was beautiful, but I have zero tolerance. There are too many nice roosters in the world to tolerate bad behavior.
Ragnar-The King

Sweetie-The Beggar
Here's my broody with her 17 Swedish Flower chicks. They hatched on 6-24.

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