Swedish Flower Hen Thread

well, Leigh and I split up the hatch yesterday... 11 to each of us, but she's got local buyers for a few, so she took 4 of this latest hatch (of mine) to sell too... so the current count that I'll be growing out is 2 from kytinpusher and 1 of Leigh's that hatched 9/16 and 4 of Leigh's, 3 of Marcia's that hatched a week ago (10/13)

crossing fingers for at least 1 pullet from each breeder...

plus I got 16 more eggs to set from Leigh yesterday. 8) set them last night with some sg dorking eggs and mottled cochins to test for fertility.
I'm a little worried! My new flock of SFH have been here for almost 2 weeks & no eggs at all yet! They are very skittish & get upset over the tiniest thing * we are still working on their palace so I am hoping that is the reason for the no laying...

No signs of Molting...
Skittish as in if they are out in the run & see us walking toward them, they haul butt inside & huddle in a corner.

I've never had such skittish Chickens before & I'm not sure how to calm them. All of my non breeders are free ranged & they are less scared than these guys..

Goats, I know how to win over, these guys won't even eat a treat from the ground when I'm close!

Pics (Finally) this afternoon! Any Suggestions???

I'm a little worried! My new flock of SFH have been here for almost 2 weeks & no eggs at all yet! They are very skittish & get upset over the tiniest thing * we are still working on their palace so I am hoping that is the reason for the no laying...

No signs of Molting...
Skittish as in if they are out in the run & see us walking toward them, they haul butt inside & huddle in a corner.

I've never had such skittish Chickens before & I'm not sure how to calm them. All of my non breeders are free ranged & they are less scared than these guys..

Goats, I know how to win over, these guys won't even eat a treat from the ground when I'm close!

Pics (Finally) this afternoon! Any Suggestions???

Its normal for chickens to stop laying when they are moved. I usually tell my buyers not to expect eggs for at least a month after moving. I usually do try to sell adults when they are not laying,(during or after molt) just because they are already in a recoup period. I wouldn't be surprised at this time of year though if they waited until next spring to start laying again. As far as the skittish part... its probably just that everything is new at the moment. Give them a month or so to acclimate, and they should be fine. I have found my SFH's to be the most curious of any breed that I've ever kept. I don't really expect mine to be pets, so don't hold them etc. , but I expect if you spent enough time with them they would become much tamer.
Hello Flower Fans,
It sounds like you have a really nice group here and geographically pretty diverse, which makes it more challenging I think. Oh well, that's the way it goes with rare breeds!

I have a tiny flock of 4 hens, only one is a SFH hatched late Feb. or early March. I wasn't able to get the actual date. She's been a super layer -- until this week. She's decided to go broody, darn! Since I don't breed or hatch I'll spend the next few days trying to convince her she really doesn't want to do this.

Since she's my only flower, I'd really like to hear more about your experiences about molting, broodiness, and production.

How heavy & how fast do your Flowers molt?
How often do they tend to go broody?

Thanks so much!

I have some for sale but I don't ship. I have 4-5 for sale right now, 5 weeks or so...if you had a friend over in the Seattle area, they would have to pick up. These chicks are direct from GFF and I am downsizing. hens and roo sets.

Diane, were you at the show in Vancouver yesterday? I was hoping to see at least one SFH, but didn't.
Bernie... my sfh is very skittish too. She's from a farm that doesn't handle their birds and she was half grown when I got her. I think that has a lot to do with it. However, when I do handle her she has never been aggressive or mean. She simply avoids being caught. Considering they are a land race I suspect their instinct leans toward self preservation.

I have one other friend that also has one and his a shy too.
Hello Flower Fans,
It sounds like you have a really nice group here and geographically pretty diverse, which makes it more challenging I think.  Oh well, that's the way it goes with rare breeds!

I have a tiny flock of 4 hens, only one is a SFH hatched late Feb. or early March.  I wasn't able to get the actual date.  She's been a super layer -- until this week.  She's decided to go broody, darn!  Since I don't breed or hatch I'll spend the next few days trying to convince her she really doesn't want to do this.  ;)  

Since she's my only flower, I'd really like to hear more about your experiences about molting, broodiness, and production.

How heavy & how fast do your Flowers molt?
How often do they tend to go broody?

Thanks so much!


Mine are all still young so I can't answer those questions (yet). But a couple people have said they have had a few hens go broody off and on. It is a good trait to have, kwim, but not one I would absolutely select for.

I'd anticipate a molt being like any other bird. I have some birds of other breeds (Marans and mixes) molting now. It's taken a couple weeks, and they are still growing feathers; I feed a 20% feed already. Combined with a recent move to new coops for most of my birds as well as a change in daylight, it's been several weeks since I have gotten more than 1-2 eggs. I'm hopeful they will come back into lay in time for holiday baking.

Won't it be embarrassing if I had to go buy eggs when I own something like 20 hens!?
I'm a little worried! My new flock of SFH have been here for almost 2 weeks & no eggs at all yet! They are very skittish & get upset over the tiniest thing * we are still working on their palace so I am hoping that is the reason for the no laying...

No signs of Molting...
Skittish as in if they are out in the run & see us walking toward them, they haul butt inside & huddle in a corner.

I've never had such skittish Chickens before & I'm not sure how to calm them. All of my non breeders are free ranged & they are less scared than these guys..

Goats, I know how to win over, these guys won't even eat a treat from the ground when I'm close!

Pics (Finally) this afternoon! Any Suggestions???

rofl mine were laying before I penned them. I haven't gotten a single egg since. its been over 2 months

as for skittish, mine don't like to be handled, but when free ranging i'm careful not to step on anyone because they're constantly under foot. all of my birds are like that. only one I handle regularly is my silver grey dorking roo, and I think it's because he LIKES having his neck scratched. LOL especially with the heavy moult right now.
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rofl    mine were laying before I penned them.  I haven't gotten a single egg since. its been over 2 months

True that. Mine seriously GLARED at me when I cooped them for two weeks to train them to their new coop. The eggs instantly dried up.

This breed does tend to be very curious, so I'd give it some time and a little training. They might not ever be lap pets, but that is OK. The foraging ability will blow you away.

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