Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Thought I would share a picture of a roo I hatched. Has anyone see this color combo before? He kinda looks like three colors in one. I am thinking about using him as a breeder, but since he is only 4 months old I have a couple of months to decide.

I have some Mille Fleur Leghorns that throw out this color every now and then. I've always culled this color, I might save the next one and when I get SFHs cross them.
If you decide not to use him, ship him to me and I'll use him.
If you do decide to use him, maybe we could swap some eggs!
The plan is to keep him, but I would be happy to swap some eggs with you. It would be nice to get this color going in the US.
Do you have more of that light color in your flock? That seems to be the color I want most besides the mostly solid blue ones.
Oh, I just re-read this and saw "That Color" No, I don't have any other birds this color. His daddy had a red mille fleur chests and I have light brown mottled hen in my flock. I suspect he hatched from the two of them. Unfortunately, I can't hatch more from this cross as his daddy went to freezer camp because he was getting aggressive and I have zero tolerance for that.
Greenfire apparently had a few hatch on Monday, as there is supposed to be 6 arrive at my local PO tomorrow. I split shipping with a local BYCer so we have more babies in the shipment. We shall see what turns up. I hope for girls!

I am killing that mean rooster tomorrow. This evening, I went out to feed and was up inside the barn. It's a bit of a ways from the house. My littlest came out on the deck and hollered for me. That rooster saw him and ran at him, racing up the deck stairs straight at him, a first. I saw the rooster running, threw my manure fork down and ran after him. The kid turned around and the rooster jumped at his back. Didn't scratch him, but that roo was trying. I yelled for the child to go back n the house, but he is two going on sixteen and doesn't listen well. The rooster jumped at him a second time, and the kid kicked him just as I got there. If I could have caught the roo, I would have killed him right then because I was so angry. But he ran off, and I had my older kids come out and help me catch him. He is in solitary with no food tonight. I'm trying to decide if I want to make him dinner or just kill and bury him. I'm 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and the smell of raw chicken makes me puke right now. I know how to process chickens, but I don't know if I could do it right now, if that makes sense.

My littlest child has had several plastic surgeries already. He will have more in the future. I do not want him to have any surgeries we could have prevented.
Sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is not too traumatized.
Thought I would share a picture of a roo I hatched. Has anyone see this color combo before? He kinda looks like three colors in one. I am thinking about using him as a breeder, but since he is only 4 months old I have a couple of months to decide.
deann, he is groovy looking! Keep him so us locals can get babies! :). Hugs, Dawn in Healdsburg
Thought I would share a picture of a roo I hatched. Has anyone see this color combo before? He kinda looks like three colors in one. I am thinking about using him as a breeder, but since he is only 4 months old I have a couple of months to decide.

BTW , what color was he as a chick? Do you have any pics?
BTW , what color was he as a chick? Do you have any pics?
Sorry, no clue!!!
I hatched 20+ Swedes chicks in Oct/Nov as potential breeders for my flock and since I already had all the roo I wanted I gave all the boys to my friend to grow them out and process. This boy was picked up at 6-8 weeks. Sorry I don't even remember what he looked like then. I vaguely remember that I thought he was going to be brown mottled but since I already have a bm roo I let him go. I went to bring my friend more roos last weekend and almost fell over when I saw him. As I was driving him I could not stop thinking about him so I asked if I could have him back. He is still at my friends so I need to go back up to pick him up.

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