Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I really love this photo of Olympus.


And somehow I caught this spectacular photo of Phelps, the one I slaughtered for aggression. I loved his deep red color. Too bad he was such a jerk.

such beautiful birds!!

i've currently got four broodies sitting on eggs, and the first one, who is sitting on four SFH eggs (plus a marans and a SFH/CL cross), has peeping noises coming from her nest today! hoping they hatch tomorrow -- can't wait to see the little SFHs!

eleanor the patient mama-to-be (she's a basque hen)
thanks and good luck with your hatch!!
Here is update pics of my birds!

tried to catch a pic of her walking out of coop but she jumped so I got an action shot!!

This rooster above started out just as black as could be!

ABOVE AND BELOW I call these 2 the twins! They are always close to each other and doing the same things!!

Above this is my favorite!

Above rooster is my favorite rooster! He is so pretty! Getting new hackles thats why it looks a bit bare up there and he was cleaning him self too (up under wings)

This is Miss Molly! She has gold and silver hackles and the hints of red on breast

Above is a better pic of one SFH pattern

I love her colors! Her tail is smoky gray and tips of white

I'm sorry for photo bombing this page but I love to share (show off) my babies!
Your friend would be so proud of what you've done with these birds!
So aggression in roosters is good in the wild but bad in the pen. I have 3 of 4 that are totally out of control. I guess we just keep breeding the calm and handsome ones and we'll get there. Hope everyone has a great week.
Well guys I am happy to say all that I have been working so hard for is finally paying off! I have been working 2 jobs along with going to school (and doing the 4H stuff for my last year
). The older man that was helping me out with everything and who I got the majority of my "layer breeds" from (even bought them and had some shipped from out of state) has recently passed away
and ALL his birds were left in his will to me are here and laying beautifully
! He also left me a sum of money to help pay for the feed until all the birds are laying and paying for themselves! I am an upcoming farm and I am proud to say that....not many people my age even care about their food or how it gets to the store, but not me I am very interested in getting all of our food from right here on the farm! It is very very important to me to learn this because I feel this world is going to have to go back to the old ways some day...I really enjoy this hard work and keeping busy because I have been raised in a very religious family and brought up to believe the saying "idle hands are the Devils work shop" So this farming thing seems to fit me to a T!! Well I am glad you guys may have taken the time to read this so I really appreciate it and now that I am starting to make money I will be looking to add new bloodlines to my SFH chickens....SO if everyone who will have eggs for sale this summer please post here or message me a pic of your breeding stock so I can pick and choose which ones I want to go with first! Thanks Justin ps ID REALLY LIKE TO ADD SOME BLACK PULLETS TO MY FLOCK ANY IDEAS ON WHO HAS BEEN HATCHING BLACK PULLETS?!?!?!?


I have lots of black SFH babies....remains to be seen who is truly a pullet...will keep you posted.
So aggression in roosters is good in the wild but bad in the pen. I have 3 of 4 that are totally out of control. I guess we just keep breeding the calm and handsome ones and we'll get there. Hope everyone has a great week.
agression towards people and protecting the flock are 2 entirely different things IMO. agression is not acceptable in ANY roosters, when it's aimed at people. i don't care how pretty they are...

that's one reason i miss 'underfoot' so bad... he WANTED to be with people, begging to be picked up, held, petted, whatever. his brother's not quite so outgoing, but not stand-off-ish either. he's easy to catch/pick up, and we're becoming better friends. the sweet feed probably doesn't hurt either. that's what won underfoot over. LOL
Well... if everyone else is gonna share photos, I'll just jump right in! These are chicks from eggs WildHorseAnnie sent ki4got to hatch for me (didja follow that?) LOL! Needless to say, after the tragedy last month, these babies are staying in the house until the nights stay warmer!!! (No more power outages, but I ain't playin with any more of my babies!)

Based upon behavior and stance, I'm pretty sure that yellow & blue baby is a cockerel... He'll be the perfect compliment to my breeding program as Gunnar is black based with no blue! Between the two of them and many hens of different colors, in about 6 months I'll be able to offer fertile hatching egg "party packs" where they'll all hatch out different colors - LOL!
Well... if everyone else is gonna share photos, I'll just jump right in! These are chicks from eggs WildHorseAnnie sent ki4got to hatch for me (didja follow that?) LOL! Needless to say, after the tragedy last month, these babies are staying in the house until the nights stay warmer!!! (No more power outages, but I ain't playin with any more of my babies!)

Based upon behavior and stance, I'm pretty sure that yellow & blue baby is a cockerel... He'll be the perfect compliment to my breeding program as Gunnar is black based with no blue! Between the two of them and many hens of different colors, in about 6 months I'll be able to offer fertile hatching egg "party packs" where they'll all hatch out different colors - LOL!
Very cute! Congrats!
I have been trying to upload photos of the SFH from my NYD hatch all night. Can't get it to work.

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