Swedish Flower Hen Thread

snapped a picture of my almost-to-point-of-lay pullet this afternoon -- it's been pointed out that the "flowers" on her breast look like little hearts...
I was in a panic this evening because more than a few of my SFH had not gone in the coop at bedtime. Apparently the door had gotten closed before they all went in. Could not find the last two anywhere. I was about to give up when I noticed something on top the hoop coop, where they sleep....and it was the missing roo and hen. Yeah. They flew to the top and had roosted there. I couldn't get them down, so hubby had to come home, stand on a chair and grab them.

Meanwhile, when I picked up the one rooster that had decided to sleep on the trampoline I am retrofitting to a coop/run thing like I saw on Pinterest, he squawked very loudly. The disturbance got my dogs going, who raced around the corner ready to kill whatever was bothering their birds. They laid off when they saw it was me, but my girl barked a bit at me, like she was saying, how dare you scare me like that. And I was thinking, but you scared me growling like that! They are worth the hassle and stepped on nerves when I get signs that they are starting to get it. Now...to get them to stop thinking about playing with their little friends...

Sounis and Eddis. Attolis now lives with Kelly and has been re-christened Orlando Bloom. These were the 3 remaining from 14 I got from Greenfire. All were beautiful and healthy but got eaten by something. Improved security. Now I want to get some more.
They're beautiful Cathie Sue! And Orlando Bloom Hen is my precious boy! You want to get a new Greenfire set in the spring? Or before?
I was going to work on building a brooder box to set up in my shed. Give me a month to get that situated and we can look at getting them then. I'm happy to keep babies in my utility room, but once the little poop machines start working overtime they need to be relocated! I have two chicks in my utility room right now, along with a hen that was mauled by the demon dachsund from next door, and that's about my max capacity for indoor poultry.

Sounis and Eddis. Attolis now lives with Kelly and has been re-christened Orlando Bloom. These were the 3 remaining from 14 I got from Greenfire. All were beautiful and healthy but got eaten by something. Improved security. Now I want to get some more.
They are Gorgeous! None of mine have very much red or orange, they are all in the Blue spectrum & with less white than I'd like...Gives me something to work on...

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