Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Mela - uhhhh... I saw the recent side view of Nero... Ummmmmm... I don't know how to tell you this buuuuuutttt... You have a black-based snoleopard boy there! This is Magnus. Look familiar?? (This kind of amazing luck couldn't have happened to a better person!)
Looking good I'm glad snoleapords showed up in the flocks.
Took so many pics today, I just want to share![IMG
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This one looks like he may have split wing. Did you check them for it?
I checked them last night, but I can't really tell. When it's in the 90's they tend to be "lazy" with their wings. I do not see this in any of the pullets, though. When I spread the wings out, there is a separation like the one below, (a normal wing) so what am I looking for? This looks like a split to me. I've only been breeding these since February, but I am already addicted. I love all the beautiful colors of the hens. Of course, I love the roosters, too, but I want harmony and they tend to get aggressive as they mature.

For those that have a flock that is mainly SFH... Do you find them to be more peaceful with each other as opposed to the dramatic pecking order issues? Or is it just to be expected with any breed.

What color is this one going to be.
Hi redrooster....I have absolutely NO idea...he is 11 weeks old, and this trio I own that is growing out is my first ownership with Swedish Flower Hens. I have 5, week olds in the brooder. I bought the eggs from BYC member Bullogma who I bother with complete regularity asking questions. I am sending the answer to your question out to her...as she will give us an answer, and usually does so with a beautiful photo or two of an adult with very similar coloring if not exactly. She has hatched a LOT of eggs and as she says..."you never know what you will get" , she has had a tremendous amount of experience with seeing chicks at hatch, and knowing how they turn out. I will keep the pictures coming as they grow!

How many SFH do you own?

For those that have a flock that is mainly SFH... Do you find them to be more peaceful with each other as opposed to the dramatic pecking order issues? Or is it just to be expected with any breed.
Hi sweets.....I am in the same frame of thinking you are. I have to put my thinking cap on and figure out how the hell I am going to integrate all these different hatch rates that I have gone and done. I feel like the little dutch boy with his finger in the well around here last few days. I had two lavender ameraucana cockrels that I had to rehome as my resident only roo or the last two yeas took to attacking them. He never messes with my two Swede boys that are 11 weeks....until yesterday when I had to be out all day, and my husband called me.. (who knows nothing about chicken behavior) saying..."Is Clark supposed to be chasing Nero around pecking his feathers out?" I think I aged 3 years in 10 seconds. I asked him to call the adult flock back into the run with mealworms, thank heavens they will walk off a cliff for those things. THen he said he spotted a huge hawk, and decided on his own to open open up the grow out stall door and bring in the teenagers. Well. what he didn't realize is that all the little babies...not the brooder babies.. but the babies that are between 4-6weeks were let loose for playtime from their little pen in the stall. Well.. the 11 to 17 week olds ran into the stall, and started attacking the 13 little popcorn nuggets who were freaking out running around like mad. Needless to say, by the time he finally got them into their pen and got them all together, everyone was traumatized. It's amazing to me the interaction, and the dominance. The two remaining lavender pullets who fell from the top of the pecking order when I sold off their boyfriends, who skulk around all day hiding and getting pecked on from everyone were the worst with attacking the littles....Think they would remember how it feels, can't they all just get along!!!!!!!!


Yes...you would think there would be some kind of empathy. But it seems that the lower elders want to be sure that they keep their place above the up-and-coming.

I really don't want my new Swedes to learn this kind of behavior from the older flock. But if they are going to end up acting that way anyhow, it really wouldn't matter I guess. I have not had the 17 week olds in the same area as the elders yet and I'm pondering if I want to get rid of some of the elders before I do. (Most of the elders are hatchery layers. There is only 1 Swede with them but she wants to retain her place too...

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