Swedish Flower Hen Thread

It would be cool looking.. but I figured I better mention it.. before someone else said that is not right..
Great feedback, thank you! Hmm, I may have to hatch some SFH too, as the 2 I have were raised by a breeder and are not personable. I would really love to find a breed that has a cockerel that is gentle enough to keep around my family. I have read good things here about the SFH and elsewhere about the Doms.

Man, I wish you were near me! I have 5 of the sweetest Dom cockerels that I'm afraid will end up in our stew pot. Can't sell them and the only people who want them only want them for their own dinner table!
Man, I wish you were near me! I have 5 of the sweetest Dom cockerels that I'm afraid will end up in our stew pot. Can't sell them and the only people who want them only want them for their own dinner table!

Where are you located? Our Dom/SFH mix cockerel was just killed by a cat/coon/possum on Sunday and he was such a sweet brave boy. We were going to sell him as we wanted a pure Dom roo, but we got so attached we'd love another, and pure Dom would be perfect! We just trapped a cat and re-homed and are laying the trap for the next few days with possum/coon bait to ensure our success, but might be ready for another boy for our 2 Dom girls.
Where are you located? Our Dom/SFH mix cockerel was just killed by a cat/coon/possum on Sunday and he was such a sweet brave boy. We were going to sell him as we wanted a pure Dom roo, but we got so attached we'd love another, and pure Dom would be perfect! We just trapped a cat and re-homed and are laying the trap for the next few days with possum/coon bait to ensure our success, but might be ready for another boy for our 2 Dom girls.

Adult/juvenile birds ship well - we checked our DOA office on incoming poultry this year and had 3 successfully shipped 4 m/o juveniles from inside and outside our State. Our post office stockroom always has crowing boxes every Tuesday and Wednesdays LOL! The main thing is to include NPIP certification on the shipping box if your A/G office requires it. Our particular State requires AI and Newcastles-free certification from the breeder.
Where are you located? Our Dom/SFH mix cockerel was just killed by a cat/coon/possum on Sunday and he was such a sweet brave boy. We were going to sell him as we wanted a pure Dom roo, but we got so attached we'd love another, and pure Dom would be perfect! We just trapped a cat and re-homed and are laying the trap for the next few days with possum/coon bait to ensure our success, but might be ready for another boy for our 2 Dom girls.

Adult/juvenile birds ship well - we checked our DOA office on incoming poultry this year and had 3 successfully shipped 4 m/o juveniles from inside and outside our State.  Our post office stockroom always has crowing boxes every Tuesday and Wednesdays LOL!  The main thing is to include NPIP certification on the shipping box if your A/G office requires it.  Our particular State requires AI and Newcastles-free certification from the breeder.

I'm in AR around the Fort Smith area. I know it's done all day/everyday, I'm just not confident enough to ship a bird. It's over my head right now!
I'm in Ohio & just shipped 2 cockerels to NY. I was a nervous wreck when they didn't arrive in 1 day. Thankfully they arrived this am!!! Both are loving their new home.

Is this you, Barb? I just shipped 2, 6-wk-olds to S. California from Michigan. Talk about a nervous wreck! But, fortunately, mine arrived in one day instead of two and absolutely fine!
I'm in AR around the Fort Smith area. I know it's done all day/everyday, I'm just not confident enough to ship a bird. It's over my head right now!

Yeah, if it's something you haven't done before it seems overwhelming, expensive, time-consuming, etc - one of my favorite breeders started by only shipping hatching eggs and wasn't sure about live birds - now she does it all the time like a champ. Going through the initial research is not as difficult as our lack of confidence suggests. Over 3 years ago I was absolutely petrified frozen the first time I ordered a set of live juveniles to be shipped from the New England Coast 3,000 miles away to my West Coast. Those two birds are alive and thriving today. I've since ordered all my birds from in-state as well as out-of-state. The main thing about shipping/receiving this year and possibly next year in our State is the blasted AI or Newcastles which has put a dent in the shipping regulations. Still, with the proper certifications, our post office stockroom is crowing with birds waiting for pickup on Tuesdays and Wednesdays LOL!

I pay my breeders extra whenever they ship me juveniles/adults because of the time and expense they go through raising a bird for me. Although State A/G receiving responsibilities, shipping boxes and USPS costs are shifted to the buyer a breeder seldom gets reimbursement for their time, feed, maintenance costs, or the car expenses for trips to the post office for shipping birds. If we showed more appreciation to our breeders they'd be more willing to go through the shipping of live birds for us! But I agree if it's not in your comfort zone yet it's hard to get that first toe in the water. Yet it might be worth the research effort for some people with excess birds to get homes for those precious birds.

I love these BYC threads for seeking out breeds and breeders. It is how I will be seeking my future juvenile POL Dom pullet - I have limited zoning and can't utilize the minimum 6 to 25 chicks that hatcheries and breeders require for chick shipments.

I have a S-I-L living in AR and some parts are pretty remote. People there can spend a lot of hours just driving to a Dr's appt - LOL! My SIL has a deaf son and she has to drive 3 hrs roundtrip just for his therapy/training appts! She's going to drive 1-1/2 hrs to pick up my DH from the train station when he visits her all next month. She'd have to drive even longer if it was the nearest airport!

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