Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Hi BYchickadoo

You boy is not crested those are his eyebrows. I have hens with eyebrows like that. He's a beauty. It will be fun seeing what he produces.

I believe you @OHfarmerswife , but if those are eyebrows he needs to be named Groucho after Groucho Marx.
Can any of you tell me if any of these are swedish flowers? (I thought they were Swedish flower eggs, but now I'm not sure what I have!) They are 4 weeks old now. Luna Brownie - guessing no...have no clue what she is! Lemon - apparently a rooster whatever he is!
Hi heather Brownie is definitely not a SFH the others look as if they could be a mix.
Thanks for the input everyone! I appreciate it!

Funny thing is the little rooster (Lemon) hatched from what I thought was a Cream Legbar..... no clue on that now! They are cute little things regardless! :)
Hey everyone!

I'm curious as to what everyone refers to when they talk about their german pen, or german chicken. I'm guessing this is referring to color? But what colors (or if I'm wrong what in general) make it a SFH german?
Can any of you tell me if any of these are swedish flowers? (I thought they were Swedish flower eggs, but now I'm not sure what I have!)

They are 4 weeks old now.
I wouldn´t give up on Brownie just yet. She doesn´t look typical sfh, but I´ve had a few darker ones like that, and once in a while I´ll get a bird that gets his flowering very late. I almost gave up on a pretty black and white boy once because he looked like he wouldn´t get any flowering, and then he turned out beautiful at about 4 months. It might be worth the wait. The black and white ones all look very sfh to me. And yes, if Lemon is only 4 weeks and has a comb like that already, I´d also agree that he´s a boy.
Hey everyone!

I'm curious as to what everyone refers to when they talk about their german pen, or german chicken. I'm guessing this is referring to color? But what colors (or if I'm wrong what in general) make it a SFH german?
I´m not based in the U.S., but as far as I understand they´re referring to an imported German line of sfh, compared to the lines that go back to imported Swedish ones.
There are at least 8 babies stuffed in here with the 2 moms! Now how do I get these fierce protectors to let me get them out. In my experience the chicks dehydrate before they are big enough to jump out on their own. I will have to get some armor on because these girls are very serious mommas!


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