Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Hamiam: I hope that crested roo is called Grumpus - he looks so angry!! I am no help with your main question. I would have no problem with grey/nude legged birds. 3 of my 4 pullets have them. I just had to comment on Grumpus cuz he’s adorable!!
Hamiam: I hope that crested roo is called Grumpus - he looks so angry!! I am no help with your main question. I would have no problem with grey/nude legged birds. 3 of my 4 pullets have them. I just had to comment on Grumpus cuz he’s adorable!!

Grumpus, it is. He's probably upset because I keep talking about his white legs!
I'm not a breeder of SFH, so the white/grayish legs wouldn't bother me, especially since there is no "standard" for leg color with this breed. I think the light legs look like they complement the coloring of the chickens, like "Grumpus." My Black Australorps have black legs, and my Easter Eggers have olive green legs. Elsa, my SFH has yellow legs, but she would look fine having grayish legs - especially with her pearl gray feathers.
I'm not a breeder of SFH, so the white/grayish legs wouldn't bother me, especially since there is no "standard" for leg color with this breed. I think the light legs look like they complement the coloring of the chickens, like "Grumpus." My Black Australorps have black legs, and my Easter Eggers have olive green legs. Elsa, my SFH has yellow legs, but she would look fine having grayish legs - especially with her pearl gray feathers.

Grumpus does show off his matching beak & leg color.

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