Swedish Flower Hen Thread

How many made it?
Also I would guess that the black one is a boy, and the grey crested one a girl
I am wondering if Greenfire made a mistake because I only ordered the minimum six, but they sent me fourteen! I emailed Jenny about it but haven't heard back- she's probably still enjoying her Thanksgiving holiday. Most of mine are reddish in color, with varying degrees of cream or gray markings. I have three that are black with cream markings. Everyone seems healthy. One little black fellow has a bent toe and I have to keep cleaning his vent area because the poop gets stuck there. Other than that he's as active as the rest, eating and drinking and chasing his siblings.

Hope all of you are having a blessed holiday.
So far I have 2 all yellow, one brown, and 2 black with yellow heads and eyeliner.
That's the report I got.

Still waiting to see if the other 2 will hatch.
If they are real light yellow they could turn out the be white (or splash). If they are golden yellow I would said they would turn out white and red speckled. If you post a photo (when you pick them up,) we can all guess for you.
They change so quick the first 3-4 months, I can hardly keep mine straight in the photos.

We had a beautiful day here in TN. The rain is heading in this evening and chance of snow on Tuesday. Hard to believe the weather can change so quickly. I took a few more photos of the chicks today. 9 weeks old already! It is looking like 3-4 boys and 5-6 gals. One of the black speckled I still can't figure out.
(Knock Kneed Hen, the two males in top row where my golden yellow chicks.)

Here is the one that I think might be a boy after all... what do you all think?

Here is my white/splash female, she was light yellow as a chick:

I know I might regret asking this question.... but.... should I only breed my splash female with black males since the white/splash color would have a hard time surviving? Also if they are BBS how does the red fit in?

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