Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I had a coon or something pull a pumpkin off the vine and out of the garden, so I gave it to my chicks. They ate holes the size of their heads in the side so they could get to the middle. Now all my crested birds look like they got into some hair gel!
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I've got 3 SFH chicks hatched out so far!! Hoping for the other 7 yet today!!
Congratulations, Casie! were these the eggs from Pa? I just hatched out 5 from eleven eggs I got from him. It was also my first time incubating, so I was reasonably pleased. They are a week old and doing well.
Yes they are and two more have pipped!

Glad yours hatched out well!

I love the "mask" on this one!

This one has a lot of blue coloring for now.

And this one has more of a red coloring.

Can't wait to see what they look like all feathered out! It's so hard to guess what they will turn into.
Yes they are and two more have pipped!

Glad yours hatched out well!

I love the "mask" on this one!

This one has a lot of blue coloring for now.

And this one has more of a red coloring.

Can't wait to see what they look like all feathered out! It's so hard to guess what they will turn into.
Cute overload! Thanks for the pictures.

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