I just searched for PDZ and it is more expensive than I expected. A 10lb bag is $65! How far would that go?
Oh no, no, no. A 25lb bag is $10. And that doesnt go very far in my opinion. Have you considered coffee grinds? We just recently started using it and it works the same way and smells much nicer (as long as you enjoy the smell of coffee of course.)


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Oh no, no, no. A 25lb bag is $10. And that doesnt go very far in my opinion. Have you considered coffee grinds? We just recently started using it and it works the same way and smells much nicer (as long as you enjoy the smell of coffee of course.)
I am assuming they are used coffee grinds? I am not a fan of coffee or the smell of old grinds. My husband and 2 of my kids like it. Hmmmm. Maybe that's a good excuse to get them to clean out the coop! :yesss:
I've tried PDZ and wasn't impressed with the product for the price - also Amazon because it's not carried locally. Honestly, go simple. Craft a removable poop board w/ high sides, fill with dry pine shavings and clean as necessary and put the waste into the compost pile. My flock is small - six birds - I don't have to clean as frequently.
Just google Zeolite and/or Clinoptilolite which is the ingredient(s) of Sweet PDZ and Sweet Coop. It can be found as is product but is also marketed as numerous other brands of horse stall refresher, cat litter, etc.Just be sure it is the mineral and doesn’t have additives like fragrances and clays that could harm your chickens.

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