Sweetgrass tom with swollen face *pics*

The Red Rooster

Poultry Observer
8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Rapid City, South Dakota
My Sweetgrass turkey is swollen on the right side of his face. It's like a big bulge near his eye. Ever time I press on it some white fluid with bubbles squirts out into his eye. The lump is pretty squishy and I think it's full of the white liquid. He does not act lethargic and walks around pretty happy. He's been living with 24 chickens and has been eating layer feed.

Any guesses on what this might be and how I can cure it?

Looks like an infections for sure. Maybe he was biten by something or something pricked his skin. Go on line and look up Poxvirus Infections in Birds. I'll bet this is it. Good Luck. It looks like it may be due to insect bite.
My first thought when seeing something like that is cheat grass going into the cheek from the inside. But if you are getting draining out of the eye it is probably an infected tear gland or other gland that involves the eye. If he were mine, I'd put him on a course of antibiotics.
Looks like a sinus infection. Do a search here on sinusitis or swollen sinus and you'll find lots of info. Tylan is the most commonly used antibiotic for that. It's injectable, but if you inject it you need to either put in under the skin between the shoulders or do like some of do and inject right into the sinus. If that is what your turkey has, don't delay treatment. The stuff can harden in there and then it would need to be cut out (Yoda has a terric post with pictures in the peafowl section from when he had to do that to a pea).

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