Swelling Below Vent: Photo

Does she literally have diarrhea (the solid greenish bits are runny immediately after being excreted) or is it possible that they're dissolving in the higher amount of urine (the clear part, not the urates - the white part) because of her increased drinking?

Increased drinking can sometimes be indicative of either too much salt in the diet, or enteritis. What antibiotic were you considering for the enteritis, because most of them also kill the good bacteria. Duramycin isn't really for enteritis. Pen G really is more for skin, not enteritis. Have you tried serious probiotics on her first?

A fecal test will show bacteria but remember that there are naturally going to be good (beneficial) and bad (pathogenic) bacteria in any cloaca or dropping. It's the numbers that count. Same with yeast (fungi - the multi-celled versions of yeast - shouldn't really be in the gut in much concentration). If you get a stain (smear) done (just the fecal, not the culture and sensitivity) then be sure to ask the vet to not only run the gram negative test, but to also stain for gram positive (after doing the gram negative stain - because the gram positive won't take up the voilet stain and are counterstained with red).

Honestly if you're going to approach a vet, I can't recommend a "C&S - Culture and Sensitivity" enough - because it will not only identify the problemative bacteria **exactly** but also the **exact** antibiotic with which to treat.

VERY IMPORTANT: Using the wrong antibiotic is guaranteed to make the problem much worse, and that sort of encouraging resistant bacteria unfortunately will spread to other birds.

IN the mean time, I would suggest the following again - because apparently this wasn't addressed fully the first time. I would not skip a single step as they're all in there for a specific purpose; nothing is arbitrary or I wouldn't waste your time with it:

A *one time only* gentle cleansing flush but this time a little more cleansing:

1 teaspoon molasses
1/2 teaspoon applesauce
1 teaspoon yogurt
Some base (crumbles and water)

Again, this is to cleanse out excessive pathogenic bacteria, any fungal spores, and unfortunately it will clean out some good bacteria but that's what the yogurt is for.
More recommended than yogurt: acidophilis capsules - 1 in this mash. Or probios powder, 1/2 teaspoon.

As drinking water for 3 days:
2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar in 1 quarter of water. (Kills fungus spores, corrects the pH of the gut to benefit good bacteria and prevent bad bacteria from colonizing)

Daily for a week: a really good probiotic in a quickly eaten treat. Example: 1 acidophilis capsule (emptied of course), 1/2 teapsoon honey, and some egg yolk cooked. Something the bird can't resist. Adding some powdered oatmeal to this (oatmeal turned into powder in a food processor before cooking) in a wet mash or in the treat firms up the droppings and gives good bacteria some fiber which encourages beneficial bacterial colonization.

If you still want to do an antibiotic, without a C&S, then let us know here and we can find a true enteritis antibiotic. Note: please don't use Baytril for this.
I have a 4 yr old hen who looks just like this right now. The area is very hard, red & warm to touch. I am trying to figure out what to do for her. Is your hen still doing alright?
, sorry to read about your girl. Her symptoms seem different compared to my girl. Your hen sounds more egg bound to me. Have you checked her for that? You may want to research that on here.

My girl is still having diarrhea, but Thank You threehorses for staying on this with me. All your responses make so much sense and give so much hope over and over again. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

I was watching my girl closely again and I guess, yes you are right, the greenish parts are dissolved in the urine. The diet has never really changed, no kitchen scraps or so, so I do not think that too much salt causes it. So does that mean that I do not call it diarrhea anymore? Enteritis.

I followed each and every step you recommended the first time with the flush and later on the yogurt mash. She just did not eat much to make a big difference. Instead of organic ACV water I gave her mineral/ electrolyte water to replace whatever minerals and vitamins her body lost. I switched to the OACV now. Do not know if the question has ever been asked on BYC, but can you actually combine OACV with a vitamin/electrolyte solution?
Even though I think that the last flush on the 5th was about the same in its amounts of all the ingredients, I did it again yesterday like suggested by threehorses. Today I have made sure that she ate almost everything of the "quick treat". I use probios powder and honey (1/2 teaspoon each), powdered oatmeal and a little real yogurt. I added 3 capsules of Vit. E to fight the inflammation. Polyvisol in the beak, OACV water. At least she has some appetite now.

I will give it a few more days before doing the C&S test. All the information about it is so interesting and valuable to know. I have decided that under no circumstances I will give any antibiotics without having this test done. Hopefully it will not be necessary.
OMG: Hopes one day, and today this:

Hope: The droppings were firmer, still not normal, but a little better and not all water. Because she did not want to eat the quick treat, I forced feed her yesterday.
Draw back: Overnight I took the crumble away, because I suspected that maybe the crop had some issues now, because she ate so little in the past. Unfortunately, first check in the morning confirmed it, the "Probios, honey, powdered oatmeal, yogurt, vitamin E - mash" was still in her crop 13 hrs later. I massaged it and will check back later this afternoon. I still have the OACV water in there and crumble. She is not listless, but does not touch any food either,scratches in her bedding (shavings).
The swelling does not concern me that much at this point. More and more I think it looks odd, because she is so thin. It is not red anymore and not that swollen either.
Oh crap, a bad crop. Sometimes in her digestive tract is not working because of this or something else. Yes - fast her today, keep 2 tablespoons per quarter of water as her drink (add honey if she won't drink). Give her little bites of crustless bread with olive oil - nothing else to eat today. Frequently massage her crop to dislodge the contents, and then gently massage them down in the direction you want the food to go - down to the opening of her proventriculus. That way hopefully if something solid blocked it, or just sedimentation of her feed, it will break that up (like stirring up the contents in a clogged sink - you know how mushy stuff can settle and pack and become something much more solid than it was before - like a plug). The OACV will k eep fungal spores and bacteria from getting too out of hand, and will dissolve the feed in there to make it more easily passable into the other parts.

I think something is systemically wrong with her - possibly her liver or kidneys. What color, exactly, are her urates - the white more solid part of her droppings? I'd stop the vitamin E for now - just use the regular vitamins, of course the yogurt when she eats again in the morning.
Followed yesterday's direction from threehorses 100%.

She loved the bread with the oil, but I am not sure if and how much OACV water she actually had. Usually with her watery droppings I saw her drinking all the time, not anymore, so the honey has been added, but I still have not seen her drinking. I massaged the crop several times. It feels like clay. Because I took the crumble out, it seemed that she was eating her bedding (shavings). This morning the crop was still full/did feel like clay (shavings?).
I offered about a TBSP yogurt and she ate most of it. Crumble is in there now, too, but she did not touch that.
Droppings: cannot see any of any kind today. Yesterday morning it was more the consistency of dark green cow sh....with some white string type urates (I had to check the white twice as I was not sure if it was undigested yogurt, dead worms from the worming 2 weeks ago or the urates). In the evening after I gave her the bread I found just one dropping perfectly fine like never ever before in the last 2 weeks, light green and firm with a little white cap of white urates. Maybe if I really want to find something to criticize it - a little smaller and dry (sorry if I sound pathetic here, like the poo police - I just want to help her and give everybody on here the best information I can for helping us). But nothing since than......
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If it feels like clay, it's probably packed like clay. And the dark green means she had not much food, a lot of bile. ZGood on the dropping in the evening. Keep massaging that crop. It really needs to be done again and again for a good two-three days to keep the stuff from sedementing and forming a plug through which even liquid won't go - just exactly like a clogged sink. I'd continue with some bread/oil this morning, and feed her nothing at all but crumbles, yogurt, things that are easily dissolved. But mostly keep that crop "clay" from packing. that's going to be very important.

I think I'd give her the polyvisol vitamins in the mouth, too, just in case. It has B12 in it to stimulate appetite.
If it feels like clay, it's probably packed like clay. And the dark green means she had not much food, a lot of bile. ZGood on the dropping in the evening. Keep massaging that crop. It really needs to be done again and again for a good two-three days to keep the stuff from sedementing and forming a plug through which even liquid won't go - just exactly like a clogged sink. I'd continue with some bread/oil this morning, and feed her nothing at all but crumbles, yogurt, things that are easily dissolved. But mostly keep that crop "clay" from packing. that's going to be very important.

I think I'd give her the polyvisol vitamins in the mouth, too, just in case. It has B12 in it to stimulate appetite.

Nothing new to report. No droppings at all. She does not eat if I do not force feed her the oil bread, except a little yogurt yesterday. She was drinking a lot yesterday, but not today. I massage the crop a minimum of 3 times per day for 15 to 20 minutes. She seems to enjoy it. In the evenings after she had all the OACV water, the crop content feels softer like a water balloon, in the morning it feels more like compacted clay. Thank God she is not lethargic and seems quite interested in her surroundings.
5 days later and still no changes.

I can hand feed her very little with yogurt/probios/crumble mash. She still gets the OACV water and Polyvisol. The crop sometimes feels like the described mash, in the morning more clayish. If I try to massage it towards the opening of her proventriculus, it seems to go through there, but as soon as I move her back into her "hospital crate", the clayish content is back in her crop again.

The droppings look dark green in the consistency of laying crumble surrounded by watery/little white urates. There are very little droppings.

Her overall condition is OK. Of course she is extremely thin, but she is interested in her surroundings and she rearranges her bedding (pine shavings). I am still more concerned about her not eating enough and the crop not working well, because of impaction or because something is systemically wrong with her kidneys or her liver. The swelling around the vent may just look like one, because she is so emaciated.
However, one thought was, maybe she crop issue is an impaction with the shavings I use for her bedding and actually is only secondary related to the diarrhea issues we were dealing with before(wishful thinking). How can I break those up, if at all? Maybe I should perform crop surgery on her, because everything else does not seem to get the job done. If so, I did it before successfully with another chicken, but never flushed with a saline solution. Would that be recommended and if so, how many parts of H2O to Epsom (?) salt would I use?

The odd thing is that all my 3 SL Cochins show similar problems, diarrhea, eat very little. They all have been dewormed twice and are on the same diet like all my other chickens they normally live with. None of the others show any of these signs. Maybe just quintessence........
Performed crop surgery successfully today. Tons of shavings in her crop. I know that we are not over the hill yet. The surgery happened in the morning, she did not eat or drink anything yet.

This is what I have offered her so far after the surgery: OACV water, baby parrot powder with yogurt and probios, but she has not touched it yet.

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