Swelling on dog's neck, stiff neck, strange behavior -- Please help!

Given that he is a standard poodle I am going to assume that his hair coat is fairly short on the back of his neck. The bump could be an infected cyst, if that is the case he could feel punky from that. I agree that he should be seen, did he eat this morning? Do you know if he has a fever?
His hair is fairly short.

We only feed him one meal a day, dinner, but when I tried offering a piece of dog food he wouldn't accept it.

We don't know.
If he isn't feeling well and isn't eating he could have a fever and/or infection. Both can be dangerous and he needs to see a vet. Could also be having complications from the heartworms and not related to the bump. Really needs to see a vet asap.
What about a sever allergic reaction to an embedded tick, then Lyme disease?
Either way vet=yes!
I agree with the posters who recommended seeing a vet. There are a whole host of things it could be, from something very minor to something quite serious. It could also just be a coincidence that he is feeling yucky and has swelling on his neck, but I'd say it is better safe than sorry. I would take him in tomorrow to get checked out.
An allergic reaction this far out is extremely unlikely. Besides, you rarely see hives with food allergies. Usually food allergies cause itchy skin, particularly around the face, sometimes weepy eyes, and often diarrhea or soft stools. But it wouldn't cause stiffness or swelling in the neck.

Kitten food however is high in fat, which could trigger a bout of pancreatitis which could account for the lethargy and lack of appetite. Pancreatitis can be triggered by high fat foods, particularly if the dog is not accustomed to foods with a higher fat content. Pancreatitis is much more serious than a simple gastritis and really really needs to be treated by a vet right away. It can be fatal if not treated.

Pancreatitis still wouldn't explain the lump on the neck. But then again, it is entirely possible that whatever is going on with his neck is totally unrelated to whatever is causing him to be lethargic and uninterested in food.

Regardless, this sounds like a dog that needs to see a vet ASAP.
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