Swellings around eyes any ideas what this is **Pic included**


In the Brooder
12 Years
Nov 23, 2007
I have been nursing my gorgeous black silkie for a few weeks now see post urgent advice from all you lovely guys here!

She has come up with a few swellings that have burst? well scabbed over and reduced in size. These swellings started on her crop and places where there were very little feathers. We then noticed she was getting these on her feet and on her face.

This is what she looks like on one side now


Does anyone have any idea what in the world this is??!?

No pus comes out of the swellings at all and same with the eye
Oh my! Poor thing! I would seperate her of course. Then dust her for mites. I had a silkie rooster who was scrathing at his face from mites and scratched his eye, causing swelling and infection. I dusted him right away with Sevin dust and then gave him antibiotic shots right in the nape of the neck. I used Tylan-50 injectable--tractor supply carries this. Used a small needle and inject .5 cc in the neck for a week. I also treated his eye with terramycin ointment(you can alsoe buy this at Tracetor supply) and all cleared up. Good luck!
She's been dusted for mites and free for the past week.

She hasnt been able to scratch her face these have just slowly appeared.

She has been on antibiotics for other reasons for the past 2 weeks i wasnt worried about the ones on her belly but these are extreme.

Thanks for responding so quickly ... any other ideas???
I've never seen anything like that, but could it be wet pox? I hear when that gets into the moist regions it is pretty awful. Any sores in the mouth/nose area? I'm sorry for your girl and hope someone has some more suggestions soon.
Thanks that was more help than you may realise!

I have been searching avian pox for a while with no real result but when i typed in wet pox both the internal and the skin infection came up. The advice i have seen so far is that this wont kill them (the skin part anyway) and should heal itself within 4 weeks. To take the scab off and cover with antiseptic cream or a wash. There are a few that have scabbed over so we have tried this out.

I will for the meantime continue to feed and water her. Apparenly this is spread by mosquitos. I thought it was far to cold in england in feb/march to be seeing them but apparently not.

Thankfully we have had her separate for the past few weeks with other issues so fingers crossed the others haven't caught this!
Great advice!!!

Also, you may want to contact Peter Brown of First State Vet! He is known as, "The Chicken Doctor" and gives GREAT advice, help and suggestions right over the phone! He has helped me numerous times! His number is (410)546-6137. If he doesn't answer, leave a message...he's good about returning calls. I wish you the best of luck! I know how frustrating this can be!!!
Thanks for that i am in the UK. Tried to call but no answer thought it a little too cheeky to leave a UK number on the voicemail it'll cost a fortune to return.

as for wet pox i can't see anything in her throat and there are no swellings on her tongue. The roof of her mouth has been swollen but assumed this from force feeding her. There is a swelling by her nose so a little squeeky.

Have i got wet pox at early stage or Dry pox quite severely?
Has anyone on line had either wet or dry pox? Her eyes bless her ae sealing themselves shut and i think the pressure from the ones on her neck are making it hard for her to breathe.

I have noticed a little yellowish colour thing?!? in the middle of the roof of her mouth but she isnt letting me in there to investigate (surprise surprise)
OK well i found out what the yellow thing was - peice of food stuck there! She was a complete angel with my husband!

Anyway, there is a little bit of gunk around the top of her beak. I am getting really concerned that she has wet pox i need to know how to treat her now. We have got this far with her through ecoli and a bad mite infestation i dont want her to surcum to this!??!?

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