switching chicks to a nipple waterer - are they getting enough?


In the Brooder
May 7, 2015
I purchased nipple waterers as soon as I got baby chicks and started them on that. They seemed to drink from it just fine in the brooder but I realized the level of water really never went down (I mean I used a water bottle with a nipple in the bottom and never had to refill it in 2 weeks!)
I got concerned and bout a conventional waterer for them and now can see them drinking more and I have to refill it at least once every day.
Now that they are nearing the time to go in the coop I want to use a nipple system to keep it clean but am worried they won't drink enough. Anyone else had this problem?
As its extremely hot in my neck of the woods, I use the nipple watering system, but add a gallon waterer with the rooster boost electrolytes, vitamins and lacto bacilous. I haven't had any problems with heat or dehydration. I refill the gallon container about once every 4days.
Yeah my chicks were like that too. I had a nipple watering system same as you and the chicks were curious whenever I played with the nipples but I still had to leave a small bowl of normal water at night to make sure they had a chance to drink enough. They got it eventually though.

I was going to try peanut butter at the tip too as I read on this forum somewhere, so maybe you can try that?

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