Switching pullets to layer feed


10 Years
Dec 19, 2013
I have 14- and 16-week pullets that aren't laying yet. Can I go ahead and switch to layer feed? Feed them oyster shells? With my previous flocks, I waited until they started laying, but they're pretty close, and I'd like to go ahead fully integrate them with my older hens.
Most ofbtheir combs are red. The hen on the left is 7. The two on the right are from earlier this year. The black one is the only one afaik whose comb is black.

The second picture is how most of the black australorps’ combs look.


Here’s a tip to let you know when they are going to start laying. Hopefully you spend enough time with the girls to be able to easily touch them when you are in the run or coop. When they are about to start laying, if you touch them on their back, they will squat and put their wings out a little. All of mine did it and within a few days they were laying. It’s called Lordosis. Do a search on here for Squatting. There are some videos. Good luck. I was one a day, then two a day then five a day and on and on. At the point they started that, I went full layer pellets.
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I would just keep on feeding the starter/all flock and put out separate dishes with crushed oyster shell so those in need can get their fill.

Layer feed contains too much calcium for nonlaying birds/ males which can lead to kidney problems further on.

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