Switching to Pellets...

Same experience here.

However, I feed All Flock pellets, not layer pellets. I keep the oyster shell out free choice. Everybody eats pellets, even the broody-raised chicks. I have ducks, geese, many roosters, and all ages in my flock.
I mix the pellets with the last 1/4 of starter/grower. They will eat the crumbles first and then the pellets, although more slowly. I think they like the grower taste better because if there is ever any left in their reach, they fight over it. When the starter runs out, they get pellets.
Based upon my experience much of my crumble goes to waste as they sweep their beaks at the crumble and much of it ends on the coop floor.

After about 30 weeks, I "cold turkey'd" them with organic non-soy pellets. No more waste. Saves me money.
I thru pellets around like scratch for a few days and they must have thought they were treats. They would all come running and try to beat each other to them. When I put them in the feeder they didn't like it so well but by the end of the day the were eating them just fine with a lot less waste. My only problem is they're hard to find around here without paying an extrs 4-5 dollars a bag
I really don't have much crumbles left, I guess they're just gonna have to deal with the pellets. Knowing chickens, they'll probably try to force me into submission by withholding eggs.

I'm thinking of going for the approach of mixing it with water for a mash and letting them see the pellets soak up water and turn into mash--there was a post a while back and the poster said it worked really well.

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