Swollen Eye w/ Discharge... Infectious bronchitis/ Coryza?? Pictures!


6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Her's my poor little girl. Found her last night looking listless and with a swollen eye. I've been flushing it out regularly with warm water and eye drops. Doing lots of research and it sounds like it could be infectious bronchitis?? Other options: Eye worm (though I haven't seen pictures with this much swelling), or just an Eye infection.

Planning on going to the feed store tomorrow to get some Terrimycen in case it's just an infection. Also ordered Tylan 50 online. Should get it in two days. Do you think that's too long to wait to help this chick? (If the feed store has it I will buy more tomorrow) Wanted to have it on hand in case anyone else shows signs in the coming weeks.

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. Would love to save this girl if I can!

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Her's my poor little girl. Found her last night looking listless and with a swollen eye. I've been flushing it out regularly with warm water and eye drops. Doing lots of research and it sounds like it could be infectious bronchitis?? Other options: Eye worm (though I haven't seen pictures with this much swelling), or just an Eye infection.

Planning on going to the feed store tomorrow to get some Terrimycen in case it's just an infection. Also ordered Tylan 50 online. Should get it in two days. Do you think that's too long to wait to help this chick? (If the feed store has it I will buy more tomorrow) Wanted to have it on hand in case anyone else shows signs in the coming weeks.

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. Would love to save this girl if I can!

I would call your vet for advice
if it is Infectish Broncontis get the Duramycin-10 (Tetracycline) and use 1TBS to 1 Gallon of water and
be sure your baby gets that for 10-14 days....you should separate her from the others too if you haven't already...
less than a month ago I had new chicks from Tractor supply that developed IB and using this cleared up
their infection and they are all doing well (I treated 2 cages of chicks as both cages came from the same place,
and were housed in the same room, side by side and wanted to catch before it did spread to the others)....

and I was told that for the Coryza (if that is it) to use Tylan 200 ....
I had to treat my Peafowl using Tylan 200 but was skittish about injecting into them and another breeder
said I could put into water using 1/2-1cc to 1 gallon of water for 3 days...if improvement isn't seen use
up to 7 days max... I followed as instructed w/ 1cc in the gallon jug and on day 4 my 9month old peas were
like new again (I still fed the medicated water for 2 more days) and they today are healthy w/ no problems...

good luck...hopefully someone will read your post and know what it is so you can get your chick well!
Update Day three:

Cleaning out swollen eye every 2-4 hours then using eye drops rinse to soothe. Eye continues to "gunk up" between cleanings.

Was able to get VetRx at the local feed store and used it while waiting for the meds. I had unfortunately already purchased Tylan 50 before I realized there was a more potent dosage. The VetRx seemed to make her more comfortable but she still had swelling and discharge... though it seems whiter than the original yellow. I gave her a first oral dose of Tylan 2 hours ago and when I checked on her she was laying down rather than standing hunched. I am assuming this is normal response since I read many accounts of it causing “drowsiness”. I will continue using VetRx to soothe the symptoms while Tylan takes effect.

Does anyone know about sinus rinses?? Heard there may be a way of using Tylan/VetRx directly into nasal passages/eyes to reduce swelling??

Update Day Four:

After second treatment of Tylan, continued application of VetRx and eye dropper fed water, little chick is showing serious improvements. No gunk build up overnight, swelling lessened and most importantly eating again!!
Infectious Coryza emits a foul odor around the head area. If there isnt a foul odor, most likely it's not coryza. Sulmet in conjunction with tylan treats coryza. You could be dealing with Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG,) IB is a possibility as well. I suspect MG.
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Thank you for the input. She did emit an oder of puss and infection. Today is the first day when it is lessened.
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