Swollen foot


May 8, 2023
Any thoughts on how you would treat this? She limps around, lays down often but still eating and drinking. I wrap her foot at night with neosporin and silver healing gel. At first I thought potential bumblefoot, but now after a few days it doesn't seem to be getting better. Tonight I tried oregano oil mixed I'm coconut oil. I'm running out of ideas... I don't know of it's an infection or inflammation from a potential injury that I'm not aware of. I've been treating it like an infection since it's warmer than the other foot.

Side note: one thing I definitely was not prepared for when getting ducks and chickens is the size of my medical kit and research i would be doing on how to treat x,y and z.. its truly amazing how much you're on your own since most vets won't take ducks and chickens.

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