Swollen vent and ?? Sticking out

Can anyone help identify this? She seems constipated but is able to poop. She chirps and strains, working hard, but does poop. We are giving her molasses in water just for her, warm soak on her bottom and vasoline on her vent, but she is the same. No change to her energy though, she is full of energy, albeit the timid one of the group she still has the tiny almost string like black thing hanging from her vent. Less than 1/8” long, maybe poop? . Would nutridrench help?
Ok, so we just gave her molasses water, I vasolined her vent and she then pooped, but again, squawking and straining. She pooped, but her vent seemed poofy as she did so and kindof stayed out for a sec and then popped back. When I vasolined her vent, it was very red, not the normal red of the others, but like blood red. No visible blood, just clearly really bothered. I am getting coconut oil I hope tonight, and will be giving her wet food, will egg yolk help her? I heard it can cause constipation.
A photo of her vent would really help me answer this question.

My first answer would be to try to pull the foreign object out of her vent with tweezers. However if it is something attached to tissue caution should be taken. Is there any blood or watery pink discharge?

Making the food mush is a good step and also I like to add a bit of organic Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar to the water. I put a capful per quart...
I am worried to pull it out, but I will get a picture. No blood and no watery pink discharge, we would not think anything was wrong with her beyond what seems like constipation or painful vent.

I have an electrolyte plus vitamin solution in their water (had probiotics in water till today), should the ACV go separately in a different water? The electrolyte solution is from my local feed store, to help encourage more drinking, (plus it has vitamins in it)

Coconut oil has been replaced (I had some and it got used up without my knowledge), so that is chilling.

Added water to their feed and ended up pulling her out to feed her, as the other girls were loving it too much and she is timid. She is 4 days old I think and they are one full week ahead of her in age. She ate it, and has pooped once since then, still squawking while pooping.

Is there anything I can do to help her vent? We do have epsom salts.
The electrolytes and probiotics are good for them. I just use ACV because that is what I use for my mature chicks. It is apparently very tasty to them and encourages drinking and it is a natural pro/prebiotic (I forget which).
Sometimes with pasty butt the vent will protrude from inflammation or irritation and will go back once it is no longer irritated. I find a lot of protruding vents in chicks with pasty butt. I was dealing with it all this past week. Fun times!
I am curious to know what is sticking in her vent. Does she have black feathers? Epson salts will help With the inflammation but coconut oil is the best for that.

I am curious as well! Hoping for a picture soon.
Sometimes it can really take a very long time to soften pasty butt enough for it to be removed. One time it was like 45 minutes of holding a wet rag on her vent under a heating lamp before it resolved.
How is she doing now?
She pooped yesterday once that I was around for without crying, so that was a huge milestone, but then she cried later in the evening with a poop, so we gave her an epsom salt bath and coconut oil tidbits, but getting the coconut oil flakes into her was tougher and kept melting before she would eat them. I got oil i to her, but not as much as I had wanted. I had changed their food to wet mash and that seems to be helping her, although the liquid has made them all more snuggly under the heat lamp. I used lukewarm water, but they are all snuggly now, especially her. She keeps trying to get under someone else’s wings. I raised the heat lamp temp slightly and that did the trick for the seeming chills. Activity and energy have not changed, she is still quite active and energetic.

Any good tips for getting the coconut into her before it melts?
That's a bit odd that wet feed would make them more snuggly under the heat, I've never encountered that.
Do you have a photo of your set-up?

Hmm...coconut oil melts at around 78F, so try chilling the oil flakes, then get them into her.
Is she drinking well?
Are you positive this string is coming from the vent or possibly the navel and could be umbilical cord being 2-3 days old?

That is what I was thinking but she said that it was in her vent. Maybe it was a small piece that broke off and just happened to land there. I didn’t want to tell her to pull on it in case it was an attached umbilical cord. That could be detrimental.

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