Symptoms of various Chicken Diseases??

Haley Clark

6 Years
Mar 2, 2013
Western North Carolina
I would just like to know the most common diseases in chickens and the most common symptoms. Because I don't know much about chicken diseases and I would like to know the symptoms so I can treat diseases if my hens/chicks begin to get something. Also what diseases can cause chickens to have bloody poop other than coccidiosis? And I would also like to know the symptoms of different types of worms. Thanks!
There are many diseases, bacteria's and virus's that effect chickens. Too many to list here or even provide a link to. However here is a small list of some common poultry illnesses.

As for blood in the stool...before it is diagnosed as cocci, you have to be sure you have not been feeding them something red in color like red berries, red fruits or maybe they are eating berries from some bush while free ranging. These things will turn the stool dark/red and runny. Cocci will cause symptoms other than blood in the stool...lethargy, pale comb, weight loss, over all malaise, etc...It is treated with Corid in the water.

As for worms, generally they can get diarrhea, pale comb, lethargic, weight loss, etc...There are not all that many symptoms a chicken can exhibit. And many diseases show the same symptoms. Sometimes there is a tell tale sign that stands out and that is how you can diagnose them.

Hope this helps. :)
ok well the reason I was asking is because my hen last weeks got sick and had one pile of bloody pooh. the vet suggested that it could be worms so I wormed her with wazine 17 and gave her some fresh veggies and a piece of toast. She is know feeling a lot better and isn't pooping blood, or yellowish pooh. BUT the problem is, is that my ten chicks which are in the pen near her are pooping blood and runny yellow mucuc looking pooh but they don't look or act sick. So I gave them wazine 17, just like my other hen but they aren't acting anything like she did when she was sick, accept the poop color and the fact that it is bloody. I am just wondering what this could be and what the cause is?
Cocci doesn't always show symptoms at first, other than blood in the poop. Over time, the cocci drains the bird. I am not 100% sure on this, so I could be wrong, but I don't think chickens get blood in the poop with worms. Cocci or some enteritis's can cause blood. Worming the flock is never a bad idea, but the age of which your chicks are, I am going to say that they do have cocci. If I were you, I would get some Corid to keep on hand or possibly dose them with it. Once the cocci hits hard, it can kill them.
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I appreciate the help, it is annoying when one chicken finally starts to get better and ive cleaned out the pen extra good but the others still seem to get sick! But anyways I am going to get corrid as a preventative anyways. Since I wormed them with wazine today, how soon can I give them corrid and about how much?
Oh and also, carport pony? Do you know of any stores that sell very detailed and informative books on chicken care/diseases and treatments or website because you seem to know a lot about chickens and I was wondering where you have learned all of this. Thanks!
Casport Pony, thanks!! I will look for the book on amazon or anywhere else and hopefully order it! I appreciate the help! Oh and also the hen that I posted about earlier that was sick, she is doing great and she sleeps in the garage at night now lol but do you know of any meds or vitamins I can give her to make her cone stand up straight again or will it stand back up on its own over time?

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