Syringe feeding


May 4, 2020
How much water can I syringe feed a chicken at one time? I have a sickly that won’t eat or drink. We’re treating with meds the vet gave right now so I need her to get fluids for the meds as well as the hydration
How much water can I syringe feed a chicken at one time? I have a sickly that won’t eat or drink. We’re treating with meds the vet gave right now so I need her to get fluids for the meds as well as the hydration
Sorry your chicken is sick. Syringe feeding is actually quite dangerous, so I recommend tube feeding instead. As for the amount, you should give 2-3 ml of warmed fluids per 100 grams of body weight.

A five pound hen should get 45 to 68 ml. Wait 60-90 minutes and repeat if the crop is clear or mostly clear.

A five pound hen should get absolutely no less than 115 ml per day. Twice that amount would be even better.
Sorry your chicken is sick. Syringe feeding is actually quite dangerous, so I recommend tube feeding instead. As for the amount, you should give 2-3 ml of warmed fluids per 100 grams of body weight.

A five pound hen should get 45 to 68 ml. Wait 60-90 minutes and repeat if the crop is clear or mostly clear.

A five pound hen should get absolutely no less than 115 ml per day. Twice that amount would be even better.
Do you have an article on tubing a chicken? I need that too
I highly discourage syringe feeding. I had to give oral Nystatin for a chicken's yeast infection and she ended up aspirating a little bit. When she died of FLHS and got a necropsy, it showed that she also had mild to moderate pneumonia in her lungs.
Sorry for your loss. Do you know how to tube feed now?
Thank you @casportpony This is so helpful! Not to hijack this thread but I also need to get some fluids into my hen. I've got a good idea from reading over threads but it would be wonderful to have an article on one page to keep open for reference during the first couple of times.

OP, I wish you the best and hope your bird is on the mend very soon. We're cheering you both on!
The vet recommended I not try tubing her and syringe feed instead. I will try to give her some fluid and see if she perks up. The rest that have been ill have improved overnight after drinking the baytril water but she seems uninterested in eating or drinking anything. I’ve accepted that I may just lose her but I would like to get some fluid and antibiotic in her tonight to see if there is any hope.
I syringe fed Emerson 120 (ish) milliliters of Pedialyte mixed with her dose of Baytril. She had a lot more argument with it tonight which was nice to see. She went to bed with a crop full of water so I know she is hydrated till
Tomorrow. The other girls that haven’t been well are much better today. The one from my previous post with the swollen neck is back to her normal self. Her neck is down half the size it was and she is out eating and playing all

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