

14 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Mid-Coast Maine
Anyone use T-Hnges on their Run door? How would I install them? Can I just mount them flat to both the frame and the door? Or do I have to mount them to the inside of the frame and then door? Is it easiest to install onto the door first, and then the frame? or vise versa? I'm thinking of getting an antique style T-Hinge. Any one have any pics showing how yours are installed?
Construction noob...
Thanks. That is exactly what I want to do. So is it easier to install on to the door first then the frame? or vise versa?
I think for small doors, like pop doors, it is easier to put on the door first. The larger doors I always mount the T-hinges on the wall first then put the door in, close it and shim it into place before drilling the pilot holes.

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