Tacky Coop and Run Contest 2011: Winners Announced!

Although my coop is standard, the shelter I built around it to protect them further from the terrible weather we have been having is definately shabby chic!!! When my DH saw what I had made he was less than impressed! However it is surviving well and despite being a bit 'pisa' esque it provides another defence against the elements!

These are my coops. They are both constructed of used garage doors. The insulation in the doors keeps the birds toasty warm! The larger one is the chicken coop and the smaller in the back is the turkey's. We call that one "The Outhouse". They were made by my sweet DH, who works for a garage door company. Several customers who had new doors installed would be surprised to find out their old doors are now a chicken coop!

I found this thread just in the nick o' time to get my TACKY entry in~
I have absolutely LOVED looking at all the entries so far- got a lot of ideas on expansions for my coop, heh,heh!!

Ok, so here's mine:
We call it the DOGGONE COOP!

It all started with two old DOG houses found on freecycle:

With a lot of coop-eration from family it turned into a Doggone great little coop for our small flock of 3:



It has even got the tackiest pvc pipe feeder(propped up on a coffee can- of course!)

And the plastic playhouse addition even allowed our broody australorp to set and hatch 6 eggs,which she then raised into healthy chicks:


It may be tacky(complete with cinderblocks & blue tarp) but it is safe and secure and the girls don't seem to mind being "in the doghouse" much!!!!

thanks for looking!
i like this one and it should rank close to the top three for just plain old originallity (give them the "build it with what you got" AWARD !!!)
And if it was in my yard it would be a KEEPER !!!
o'yea "put a dish pan under that feed device" so as to keep feed off ground .

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You so deserve a award and the pipe feeder is genius it cost a lot cheaper than one of those feeders the feed store tries to sell you as soon as you walk through the door.
PS do you have an EE roo in with your australops hens? Or did you place those eggs under the broody hen.
I love these pics - the chicks are so cute - and everybody looks like they are having fun!!!!

ETA - I love the feeder, too. I'm going to have to make one of those... Thanks for sharing!
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We don't have a lot of money so we have 3 very tacky coops. They are usually clean, but I haven't gotten to them for about 2 weeks so excuse the accumulation of poo! (But they are very healthy and happy chickens, and lay beautiful eggs ... I get 5-8 a day out of 10 girls!)

Even tho we have mountain lions, lots of foxes and coyotes, marauding dogs and cats, we've never lost a chicken from these coops. All are surrounded by tarps and boards held close with baling wire.

Name: The Penny Home
Assembled: January 2011
This first one houses two chickens: Henny and Lenny Penny, eggers. Our oldest chickens. This 6x10 dog run is inside the goat pen until the new coop can be built in the new goat pen. As you can see, we used cinder blocks, boards, boxes, plus a tub and crate. Yes, we have cardboard out there, but believe it or not, it helps keep the chickens warm! I put the egg-laying crate in a box (on the right) and a tub in a box on the left. The tub has it's top on, but I cut that hole out on the end for them to get in and out. I had to put them in the tub (left) the first night, but after that, they remembered. There's a feeder bucket out of sight on the right ... the same kind that I use for the goats! Yeah, I know. Pretty dag gone tacky but hey ... they are doing fine even in sub-zero weather.

Name: The Egger Home
Assembled: September 2010
Here's another one in a 6x10 dog kennel, made with boards and cinder-blocks. This has 5 egger pullets, and a pure-breed ameraucana cockerel. The girls prefer to use the dog-crate on the right to lay their eggs. Hay bales and cardboard boxes at the back as wind-blocks. They use the cabinets to walk across to the big crate in the back and from there, hop on the roosts. Very seldom do I see them in that big crate! Oh well!

Name: The Blackie Home
Assembled: September 2010
And the third ... in another 6x10 dog kennel. When we bought this house a year ago, we found this pink shelving unit that the former owners had left behind. It's been repurposed to be chicken housing! In this pen there are 4 black australorp pullets and 1 black australorp cockerel. The girls like to use that one crate to lay their eggs so we took the others out. Cardboard boxes at the back (with hay bales) to block wind.

Do I win??

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