Tacky Coop and Run Contest 2011: Winners Announced!

Congratulations to the three winners. Your coops truly are wonderfully tacky, and also very cool.
But I have to confess a sneaking disappointment that the Taj-Ma-U-Haul didn't win. That one was my favourite!
U could still send in ur pic. Congrats to all the winners!
Gypsy I am with you...I still LOVED the U=Haul one....although the one that won was pretty much....something! My coop is rough but I love it just the same!
This thread is great! I think I need to look at a 'pretty coop' thread now though because I thought that a lot of these 'tacky coops' were how coops were supposed to look!
This was so much fun! Congrats to all the winners! I love the wonderful sense of humor displayed in all the contestant descriptions of their set ups!! Such marvelous tackiness- and I do mean that as a compliment! Looking forward to next year's contest.
"Well heres my tacky coop. Its a U-Haul. Yes a U-Haul truck with the most hideous looking field and pen. It looks very nice now but in these pictures looks like a tornadoe hit it."

With the run open like that, aren't you worried about flying predators (hawks, eagles, etc.) getting your chickens?

We had a pet duck once. She had the run of the yard and pond, and was our very favorite pet. A hawk finally got her when she was several years old. We were surprised a hawk could tackle something that big and heavy, but it swooped down and grabbed her by the neck with its talons, breaking her neck. It was very sad.

Since then, all our runs have tops on them, even if all they are is strapped down tarps.
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: I love the red Folger's coffee container on the bottom right of the pic. I have one exactly like that that I use as a chicken and cat feed scoop.

umm.... ditto on the red Folger's coffee container here. Though I'm mixing it up because I actually use it for rabbit feed, not chicken feed. The strange thing is I have no idea where it came from, well it's my parents' but they don't drink coffee. It just magically appeared.
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA: I love the red Folger's coffee container on the bottom right of the pic. I have one exactly like that that I use as a chicken and cat feed scoop.

umm.... ditto on the red Folger's coffee container here. Though I'm mixing it up because I actually use it for rabbit feed, not chicken feed. The strange thing is I have no idea where it came from, well it's my parents' but they don't drink coffee. It just magically appeared.


LOL @ magically appeared. Now that you think of it, I don't know where mine came from as well because I don't drink coffee. Don't ya just love those cans? I wish that I could get a few more.

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