Tail Down, Feather Loss and laying down a lot


7 Years
May 17, 2012
I have a buff orpington that is over a year old. The past few days I noticed her laying down alot and her tail slightly down. I thought it was due to the extreme heat. But now I'm concerned as she is is still doing it and the heat wave has passed. She also walks around like she is uncomfortable. I just gave her a warm bath thinking maybe she is egg bound. But I couldn't feel anything while massaging her belly. But I am not experienced with this at all.......Egg production has been a problem lately. I have 10 hens and get anywhere from 2-5 eggs a day. 6 of the hens are buffs and then 3 leghorns (one of the leghorns is currently broody) and 1 silver laced wyndotte. I really am upset as I don't want to lose her. I already lost one earlier this year :(

So basically she will walk around a bit and lay down. When I come out to the pen they all run to greet me, she will stand up.... move a few feet and lay back down. During the bath she lost a ton of feathers! Not sure if during a molt they would act this way?? I have not had them molt yet........

Right now I plan to keep her in the house and do the belly massage and warm baths.....
She could be starting her first big molt early. Usually it is closer to 18 months old, but some chickens molt when they feel like it. Hot weather affects that. Chickens do not lay during a molt that can last from 1-3 months on average. Their combs become paler. Be sure and check her for lice and mite eggs because that can make her weak and droopy as well as a worm overload. When chickens become internal layers, it is not the same thing as egg bound, and there wouldn't be a stuck egg necessarily. Hopefully, it's just a molt and that is all.
So it would be possible that she would lay down a lot if she was molting?? When I put her in the bath tons of feathers came off and even afterwards as I was petting her and toweling her down they were coming off. Not breaking off as the entire tip was there. I don't believe I see any mites. They love to dust bathe in the dirt so she did have a lot of dirt on her. If she was internal laying how would I know? And is there anything I can do for that?
She has pooped a few times since she's been inside - I haven't seen any trace of worms.
I was thinking she might be down because of the heat, but molting can be very hard on chickens. I have read of hens who have died during a very hard molt.
Just a little update. I had kept her inside yesterday and when I got home she was still ok YAY. I put her out in the run (but separate from the others). She seemed better - tail not down as much and pecked around and ate some feed. She kept hanging out as close as she could to the others so I put them together. She seems better. Still not 100%. She is still losing feathers and I did see one of the other hens pluck a feather off her this morning. Not sure if they will do that if they see a loose feather ? I'm thinking maybe she is starting to molt. I am going to do a thorough cleanout of the coop and spray it down and dust all the chicks with DE just in case.
Wood ash from the fireplace works well to protect against mites and lice if dusted on the chicken, and is good to add to dust bath areas. It is non-toxic and free.
So she is still not herself. She still has her tail down and walks funny. She lays down a lot. I brought out the mealies and the rest of the flock came running at breakneck speed. She tried, but can't really run. She does walk oddly. She is eating and drinking. (I do add probiotics to the water). I have been feeling her belly to see if I could feel anything, but nothing. She is not laying. She is panting as well. (but its also been very hot lately). At this point I don't know what else to do for her. Is there a chance she could recover?? Do you think she may be internally laying? Unfortunately my vet can't really do much for chickens and I can't afford to bring her :( How do I know if she is suffering terribly? Her color is still good. Aside from the constant laying down and walking funny and tail down she looks good. Clear eyes/no discharge from nostrils/nice color.......

Any suggestions?
So she is still not herself. She still has her tail down and walks funny. She lays down a lot. I brought out the mealies and the rest of the flock came running at breakneck speed. She tried, but can't really run. She does walk oddly. She is eating and drinking. (I do add probiotics to the water). I have been feeling her belly to see if I could feel anything, but nothing. She is not laying. She is panting as well. (but its also been very hot lately). At this point I don't know what else to do for her. Is there a chance she could recover?? Do you think she may be internally laying? Unfortunately my vet can't really do much for chickens and I can't afford to bring her :( How do I know if she is suffering terribly? Her color is still good. Aside from the constant laying down and walking funny and tail down she looks good. Clear eyes/no discharge from nostrils/nice color.......

Any suggestions?
Her walking funny could indicate being egg bound. When egg bound,chickens have what we call a "penguin walk",does this sound like her? Here is a link to understand egg binding and treatment. Have you checked her feet,top and bottom,between toes, you are looking for bumps,sores,swelling.

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Thanks for the link. I initially thought that might be her issue and I was giving baths/massaging and had her crated in the house. But nothing happened. No egg. Also, I can't feel anything when palpating her. So I'm not so sure that is her problem.

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