Take a guess.....


8 Years
Nov 14, 2011
Here's my two Welsummers. I got them at the same time and soon one had doubled the size and weight of the other but was the calmer of the two. That same one, paradoxically is more agressive and assertive. The other just made a lot of noise and was a whiney-butt which I figured to be the cause of her smaller size. The larger one tried to take off with one of my two-weekers this morning when I was getting them set up in their little run. So, I want to hear from you all..... pullet or cockerel? Or anything else you might notice. Please pardon the blurr, this was like herding cats.

Both (a couple weeks ago)

Both (today)


I haven't had a welsummer pullet but i have had a welsummer roo and he looked like this:



then when grown he looked like this

he is a bantam but that shouldn't affect coloring. had to give him away due to city laws, i miss the little guy.
mother o' chicks72 :

but i must say, those birds are awfully red. you sure they are welsummers?

They were sold to me as WS's. They look more like RIR's but I don't know enough to make that call so I just go by what the feedstore had them labeled as.​
For the coloring, please only go by the first pic. The others were "auto corrected" by my computer's photo manager and are a lot brighter than they originaly were. Those are mainly for geting a look at the feathering.

Here's some wierd stuff-

when I first got them the looked just like every online image I could find for WS's. Now they really do look a lot like RIRs even without my comp's super-duper photo enhancement.

my first set of Ameraucana's were the brown chipmunk type and grew out to have nice stripes all in earthy tones, no beards and no puffy cheeks. NOW when I look up Ameraucanas they look totally different and I can't find anything like what mine looked like, even though, like I said at the time, they matched perfectly with the online images.

what happened? is this a regular thing that coincides with variations that the major hatcheries are producing? or am I just crazy?
if you didnt get the ameraucanas from a notable breeder of the breed then you most likly got ee's. with hatchery birds they will tell they represent the bird being sold which basicly means that the birds can have the wrong comb, color, leg color, ect.

one looks like a pullet the other a cockerel

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